Re: Trouble with the 92 is...


Re: Trouble with the 92 is...

 I agree with James Yopp.   Once you get to college all the higher level
things that the TI-92 can do you won't want to use the 92.  If you need any
of the features from the 92 then you go over the the computer, start up
Mathmatica (or Maple V, Matlab, or any of the other similar programs) and do
your work there.  You only use a calc for the simple things.

Plus every school (middle school, high school, and college) that I've seen
does not let the students use the 92.  That is why the 86 if better,
teachers alow the students to use them and by the time you need high level
math that the 92 allows you will be doing it on a computer.

So, if your planning on getting a new calc, get a TI-86.  The 92 may be more
powerful but is more expencive and is too large to easily carry (i.e. it
doesn't fit in a pocket)

Eli Allen

ICQ# 669742

jeffrey steven bunds wrote in article ...

>Why is everyone so concerned with a given calculator's potential use on
>standardized examinations?  I didn't buy ANY of the calculators I own to
>use exclusively on such tests.  And I don't see doing such a thing as
>being economically feasible for most people either.  I bought all the
>calculators I've ever owned to be used as tools to assist me in
>computation and other technical tasks.  That's why I bought a TI-92 -
>because it's THE most powerful thing available for computation short of a
>desktop personal computer.  Why did you buy your calculator?
>        Jeff Bunds
>P.S.  HP calculators still suck.

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