A86: Phoenix - TI-86 Shell


A86: Phoenix - TI-86 Shell

Allright...I finally asked my co-author about the name.  We're calling
the shell Phoenix (congrats to Jon Freeland [lbj@lynnet.com] who
submitted Phoenix86).  First beta release will hopefully be about March
21st, but it may be later than that.  I'm currently working on getting
the program list functioning and the memory protection...protecting.
Willie Nickisch (the co-author) is working on the help function.  The
beta won't be much compared to the end result, but it is just a beta!
As soon as the beta is released, I will post a list of all the features
of Phoenix.  If anyone has any questions, please send them along and
I'll take them into consideration.  I should have info about Phoenix on
my site around the time the beta is released.

