Re: A86: ASM Converter from 85->86


Re: A86: ASM Converter from 85->86

On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, James Yopp wrote:

> But, Like the OShell<->Ash project, wouldn't the modification of source 
> code make some people get, well, upset? And, which is more available: 

You'll have to enlighten me about the Oshell<->Ash project... I never
followed either of those.

Why would people get upset about porting code?  It's common.

> Source code or String files?  Bytecodes are easy enough to change.  Even 

Bytecodes are easy enough to change, but difficult to change properly.  If
such a converter were available, you would have lots of string files
floating around that were never intended to be used on an 86.  If one of
my programs were changed in such a way and distributed to other users, I'd
be hopping mad.  The best way to put the 85 programs on the 86 is for the
author to port it.  The majority of programs could be ported in less than 
an hour, and more than a few would take only several minutes.

BTW, please don't try to say that a binary conversion program would be for
personal use only.  If strings are converted they will be distributed.

> above all of that, the program to do the conversion would be smaller.

Smaller than what?

Dan Eble (
