A85: Rigel, a sophisticated shell.


A85: Rigel, a sophisticated shell.

> The smallest possible shell for usgard is 2150 bytes.  So 2000 bytes isn't
> that far off.  PhatOS does seem to have promise to it, actually.

  In the midst of all the flaming and confusion about which OS you should choose, I've decided to announce yet another.  I plan on releasing a kernel/shell with many features, while in no way compromising size.  Rigel, as I call it, will be released in many different variations.  I have decided, as many will also agree, that some are just not willing to throw out ZShell and welcome a shell full of memory saving techniques such as libraries (believe it or not, if done correctly they can work wonders).  Therefore expect to see many different Rigels, if you will, cateringto the needs of the many different TI-85 assembly users (chiefly those who are traditionalists and wish not to abandon ZShell and those who are willing to take a step foward).  I have already programmed a full-ZShell compatible OS that is 400-something bytes small.  I call it Rigel LTZ (where LT stands for light and Z stands for ZShell compatible).  The reason I refer to this version as Light, is that there await!
s a full-blown version (featurin
g relocation, daisy-chained interrupts, libraries, etc.).  I also have Rigel LTR ready to release (which is a Light version, no interrupts and libraries, but features relocation, hence the LTR) which is less than 550 bytes.  Plan on seeing these two previously mentioned versions of Rigel within several days and the full-blown versions within a month or so.  I am interested in mainly saving our valuable 28KB of user mem, and establishing a standard in the TI-85 community.  I believe Rigel will make this seemingly impossible dream a reality and end the very reason why Rigel was initially coded (to stop the ridiculous bickering and arguing and to show that a full-featured, size-effecient shell is possible).

Thank you,
