[A83] Re: html mail


[A83] Re: html mail

Consider a plain text email of 200kb.  Sent in both HTML format and plain
text this email will be about 425kb, effectively doubling download time.
Also, we should remember that email, as well as websites, should be easily
viewable by everybody, regardless of connection speed, screen resolution,
etc.  It's just a common convention as well as a common courtesy.

I'm sure that a proxy server isn't the solution he is referring to.

> > Someone people actually pay per byte for their internet connection.
> Really?  I have never met one.  I'd like to hear them complain.
> > What is not "nicely formatted" about lines wrapped at 76 characters?  It
> is
> > trivial to unwrap text lines if that is how you want to read it.
> It makes for less scrolling and for use of the nice high res monitor.
> 50% of web browsers report their users as having 600x800 or higher
> (http://sanjose.bizjournals.com/sanjose/stories/2001/07/30/daily12.html),
> and I'm assuming most people found the mailing list by surfing TI-Calc.
> I suppose it is trivial to install a proxy server on top of my mail client
> that unwraps the text, why didn't I think of it before?  Maybe because
> a proxy server would unwrap some text that was actually meant to be a
> paragraph break.
