[A83] Re: html mail


[A83] Re: html mail

> Someone people actually pay per byte for their internet connection.

Really?  I have never met one.  I'd like to hear them complain.

> What is not "nicely formatted" about lines wrapped at 76 characters?  It
> trivial to unwrap text lines if that is how you want to read it.

It makes for less scrolling and for use of the nice high res monitor.  Over
50% of web browsers report their users as having 600x800 or higher
and I'm assuming most people found the mailing list by surfing TI-Calc.

I suppose it is trivial to install a proxy server on top of my mail client
that unwraps the text, why didn't I think of it before?  Maybe because such
a proxy server would unwrap some text that was actually meant to be a
paragraph break.

Follow-Ups: References: