A83: Confuzed!


A83: Confuzed!

I am using TASM with Devpack83 and ti83plus.inc to compile this program:

#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83plus.inc"
#define kClear  09h
.org 9327h
        LD A,001H
        OUT (003H),A
        LD A,000H
        OUT (004H),A
        EX AF,AF'
    CP kClear
    JP nz,begin

It is supposed to shut down the calculator, then when it is turned back on, 
wait for a key, and if the key is not CLEAR shutdown again.  When I compile 
it, I get literally 3019 errors, most from ti83plus.inc!  Is TASM 
incompatable with ti83plus.inc?  What is going on here???  Even more 
confuzing, when I substitute ion.inc for ti83plus.inc, it compiles perfectly, 
even though it is not an ION program!   AND, when I transfer the ion.inc-ed 
version to my calc, I get an error when running with ASM( and it says "0" 
when I run it as a BASIC program!

(The shutdown code is taken from ASMGuru, I appended the bcall and on.)

P.S. If it helps any, most of the ti83plus.inc errors are duplicate label.
