Re: Re_ A82: Assembly programmers? where?


Re: Re_ A82: Assembly programmers? where?

ok so if I learn ash would I always need to include ?

On Tue, 18 Nov 1997 09:45:38 +0100 (MET) Dines Christy Justesen
<> writes:
>There is no OS-82 school available, only Ash and ZShell. There are 
>differnces between Ash and OS82 programming.
>Accesing data: If you want to acces data you have to use PROGRAM_ADDR 
>you use OS82.
>Jumping/Calling: In OS82 you have to use CALL_() instead of CALL 
>(or JUMP_() instead of JP)
>Keydefinitions : Not all the keydifinitions found in the Ash include 
>is found in the os82 include file.
>Rom calls: Rom calls are handled differently in Ash/OS82 and not all
>romcalls supported by Ash is supported by OS82.
>Names: The rom calls are not all called the same thing in Ash/OS82.
>I have never used os82 or written programs for it so i might be wrong, 
>as far as i know these are the differences. Jason and i agreed on 
>relocation in the new shell, so program for that will probably be more
>like Ash programming than Os82 programming. However the differences 
>not very big and if you can program for one shell you can easily learn 
>program for another. So chose what ever shell you like. IF you goto 
>shell school it includes information on how to use PROGRAM_ADDR and 
>like that.
>Dines Justesen
>Email: or
>WWW  :
>On Mon, 17 Nov 1997, Bennie R Copeland wrote:
>> just what kind of differences are there in programing between ash 
>> os-82? I wanna learn for os-82 but I have only found the ash school. 
> is
>> the only difference the include files?

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