Joey Gannon Joins the Dark Side
Posted by Michael on 13 January 2004, 22:41 GMT
We are sorry to report that Joey Gannon, our hard-working file archiver, has been seen participating in the notorious RPN cult. This is the same group that is infamous for the Sliderule Massacres of '71. Oaths of secrecy prevent information from disseminating to the public, but the mystical letters RPN are rumored to stand for Really Poor Notation, though this is unconfirmed. Members have been known to do odd things in the name of Al-Gebra, their sacred way of math. No one knows why he may have done this. One psychologist we interviewed stated, "There are many reasons why an individual would suddenly dissociate from previous beliefs." He was not of much help. Our other file archiver, Morgan, experienced no signs of mental distress, commenting: "What did Joey do!? WHAT??? He always seemed like such a good kid!" readers in Maine have written to report seeing Joey dressed in black robes and performing a calculator sacrifice. His only comment was, "Oportet ministros manus lavare antequam latrinam relinquent. When I burn the calculator, my world becomes the calculator. I must go find a Voyage 200 now so that my long journey to enlightenment may begin."
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Re: Re: Re: Re: fire....good
Michael O'Brien
(Web Page)
Especially since he used a thermite reaction, lots and lots of fire, fire, fire, fire, fire *slap* Hu? Oh, very good idea to do that on bricks to make sure it wouldn't set the ground on fire. Who ever did that knew what they were, fire, fire, fire *slap* ...
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16 January 2004, 04:07 GMT
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