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GrayScale Routine


Ranked as 5649 on our all-time top downloads list with 6662 downloads.
Ranked as 815 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 23 downloads.

Filename gray2.asm (Download)
Title GrayScale Routine
Description Four shaded grayscale routine. Super fast and with less flicker than any other routine.
Author Dux Gregis (assets@eden.rutgers.edu)
Category TI-86 Assembly Routines
File Size 1,566 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 26 17:38:24 1998
Documentation Included? No


Review by  James Rubingh
Reviewed on 2004-11-01
This is one of, if not the best grayscale routine ever written. It's the routine used in "Arkanoid" and "Arkanoid 2" for the 86, not to mention several other ACZ games that used IM2 interrupts even if they didn't have grayscale.

It's unfortunate that Dux has questionable sanity, and is probably polishing theories revealing the nature of existence and time itself, keeping him too busy to code calculators any more.

If you're making an 86 game with grayscale, use this routine.


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