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Ranked as 2118 on our all-time top downloads list with 10872 downloads.
Ranked as 2354 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 11 downloads.

Filename minesweeper.zip (Download)
Title Minesweeper
Description Minesweeper for the TI-84+CE
Author Shaun McFall (shaunm.mcfall@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus CE Assembly Games
File Size 7,509 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Apr 6 03:02:01 2016
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Ryan Roth
Reviewed on 2018-11-09
Although minesweeper is a pretty basic program, it can become complicated in many ways through optimizations, graphics and certain features. The first thing that i liked about the program is the after you clear all mines around tile, you can press the tile again to clear out the rest of the tiles, the game is overall fast (by my standards), the graphics have a very nice look to them, such as the grey / black lines along with certain colored numbers that makes the look vibrant. I know the program is good because whenever the calculator is taken out during CLASS, even the best disciplined student i know plays it (i am not a teacher). Overall, i really like it, i hope this isn't a copy of another og program. Thanks for making the program so i could enjoy myself.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Minesweeper/MINES.8xp   24831
Minesweeper/readme.txt   1062

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