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Graph Screen Text Map Editor v0.1


Ranked as 35006 on our all-time top downloads list with 1220 downloads.
Ranked as 22067 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename edit.zip (Download)
Title Graph Screen Text Map Editor v0.1
Description This is a little map editor thing I started working on that can be used to make text maps on the graph screen with color for the text. This could be used for any matrix-based engine with a 10x22 matrix. It would take further code to make it work for other, similar engines. It's not the most optimized it could be right now, and there are probably faster ways to do a lot of the things I'm doing, but I was mostly just messing around.
Author Shaun McFall (shaunm.mcfall@gmail.com)
Category TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition/CE BASIC Misc. Programs
File Size 177,498 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Aug 7 02:43:53 2013
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Edit/Edit.gif   1054130
Edit/D.8Xp   923
Edit/D.txt   1349
Edit/Readme.txt   1305
Edit/[DCM.8xp   331
Edit/[DCM.txt   403
Edit/[DRW.8xp   105
Edit/[DRW.txt   56
Edit/[DRWT.8xp   149
Edit/[DRWT.txt   145
Edit/[DTM.8xp   551
Edit/[DTM.txt   744

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