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TrigPak V1.0


Ranked as 14163 on our all-time top downloads list with 3763 downloads.
Ranked as 3291 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename trigpakv1.zip (Download)
Title TrigPak V1.0
Description Probably sometime during Trigonometry class, the student has wished for programs on his calculator in order to check his work and in order to make his life much easier. He has searched the internet and has found nothing, but finally, extremely useful, hard-to find programs have finally made their way to the internet community, via TrigPak V1.0! This has many good programs to make the student’s life easier and to check his math on homework and tests. There are programs for general programs, logarithmic and Exponential expressions, Polynomial and rational expressions, and General trig programs. Unlike many other suites, some programs will link into other programs as a shell, which makes learning how to use those programs easier; all one really needs to do is learn about the main shelled functions Some examples of cool programs: Synthetic division Quadratic equation Quadratic equations format converter Radical simplifier Piecewise function grapher Rationalizer Calculator cleaner Circle Reference angle interpreter Normal/Reciprocal unit circle trig evaluator Transformational trig function grapher And much more! Read the including manual for more information and descriptions of programs
Author Tamkis (kamtis72@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Trigonometry)
File Size 1,588,423 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 21 02:05:28 2011
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TrigPakV1/SchlAd.doc   132608
TrigPakV1/Src.doc   645120
TrigPakV1/TGen.8xg   16965
TrigPakV1/TI-83.TTF   41908
TrigPakV1/TI-83BD.TTF   53408
TrigPakV1/TI-83PL.TTF   42964
TrigPakV1/TI-83PLB.TTF   43920
TrigPakV1/TI-83pmini.ttf   41608
TrigPakV1/TI83____.TTF   65460
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/ENDBEH.8xp   3117
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/EXPODAT.8xp   1410
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/INTRST.8xp   735
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/INVCHK.8xp   319
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/LEXPROBS.8xp   671
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/LOGCNVRT.8xp   508
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/LOGPRPS.8xp   879
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/LOGX.8xp   745
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/QUADRAT.8xp   374
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/RATLZ.8xp   816
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/RATNOT.8xp   1745
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/TST.8xp   87
TrigPakV1/TLexpo/TSTZ.8xp   111
TrigPakV1/TLexpo.8xg   10833
TrigPakV1/TPolyR.8xg   19879
TrigPakV1/transist.ttf   37252
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/ANGCNVRT.8xp   1130
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/CLN.8xp   2152
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/CRCLDIMS.8xp   1022
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/CREFANG.8xp   1377
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/LANGFNDR.8xp   1873
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/PYTH.8xp   767
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/R3TRIG.8xp   1958
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/RATLZ.8xp   816
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/RATNOT.8xp   1765
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/TGTRANS.8xp   2775
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/TPRPSINV.8xp   2286
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/TRIGDIMS.8xp   2550
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/TST.8xp   87
TrigPakV1/Triggen1/TSTZ.8xp   111
TrigPakV1/Triggen1.8xg   19928
TrigPakV1/Triggen2.8xg   18190
TrigPakV1/TrigPakV1.doc   2113536

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