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Al's ping pong


Ranked as 1926 on our all-time top downloads list with 11407 downloads.
Ranked as 2449 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.
Ranked as 665 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.98.

Filename alspong.zip (Download)
Title Al's ping pong
Description this is not just simple boring old atari pong this is REAL ping pong from a side view you can chose from 5 different speeds and play against the computer at 2 different difficulties.
Author Alex Clink (sleeping_insomniac19@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Sports)
File Size 18,047 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jul 23 18:11:17 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  TI Freakware
Reviewed on 2008-05-13
Originality - 6/10

Functionability - 12.5/15

Graphics - 4/5

Titlescreen/intro - 1/5

Readme - 5/15

Replayability - 6/10

Bonus - 0/0 - claims to run on more then just the 89 but the author's not sure..

Total 20/65

Ticalc Score 3/10

Well, this isn't your average pong game in the sense that you can move forward and backwards as well as up and down (think ping pong), but it lacks so much it's difficult for me to find good things about it. The AI is good, with the AI skill level set to good, I did not get a single point. The readme is very scarce on info, there is no title screen. I would not recommend this game unless you are a pong addict.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Al's pong/.DS_Store   12292
Al's pong/alspongpic.gif   1434
Al's pong/READ ME NOW.txt   934
Al's pong/scource/.DS_Store   6148
Al's pong/scource/alspong.c   9846
Al's pong/Ti-89/.DS_Store   6148
Al's pong/Ti-89/alspong.89z   8597
Al's pong/Ti-92+/.DS_Store   6148
Al's pong/Ti-92+/alspong.9xz   8597
Al's pong/v200/.DS_Store   6148
Al's pong/v200/alspong.v2z   8597

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