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Ranked as 479 on our all-time top downloads list with 26861 downloads.
Ranked as 940 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 10 downloads.
Ranked as 320 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.12.

Filename civ89.zip (Download)
Title Civ89
Description This is Civ89 (version 1.05), a game based on the Civilization series. It is a game of military, technological, and economic conquest played with two people on one TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92 plus, or Voyage 200 calculator. The zip file includes CivEdit (version 1.04), a program that allows you to create and edit map, scenario, and game files.
Author William Jacobs (trekkie@mit.edu)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Strategy)
File Size 348,473 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 6 01:07:40 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Chris Pettit
Reviewed on 2004-09-16
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“Civ89” is a turn-based empires strategy game par excellent.

Gameplay 7/10 - Two things needed: an AI editor (since there is as of yet no AI) and a random scenario generator. Beyond these, the game is smooth and fast. There is a tech tree goal map which is beneficial and the turn summary screen is impressive in detail.

Graphics 9/10 - On the 92+, the map and units are incredibly tiny, only using 70% of the screen. The version history states that the game scale was bigger originally.

Controls 10/10 - The game does not come with a manual. But when you check out the website and download the manual there, the controls are simple and effective.

Addictiveness - 8/10 I think that it takes too many turns for the game to get going. A single turn is too insignificant. The two players have to trade off calcs constantly to work up an army and city-state. It takes about forty or so turns before war breaks out.

Replay - 8/10 This game potentially could be very replayable if a simple scenario was generated.

Overall - 8/10 The programmer put some serious time into “Civ89.” This is a fun game that swallows up time and for a turn-based game, and also runs extremely fast. Good job!

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Game files/Recommended/main.map0.89y   589
Game files/Recommended/main.scen0.89y   2088
Game files/Optional/main.civgame7.89y   1389
Game files/Optional/main.civgame8.89y   1091
Game files/Optional/main.civgame9.89y   1697
Game files/Optional/main.map1.89y   339
Game files/Optional/main.map2.89y   939
Game files/User-made/Fantasy Map.89y   736
Game files/User-made/Fantasy Scenario.89y   1763
Source code/Civ89.c   193832
Source code/Civ89.tpr   1206
Source code/CivEdit.c   125531
Source code/CivEdit.tpr   1199
TI-89/CivEdit/CivEdit.89z   2010
TI-89/CivEdit/zcivedit.89y   26782
TI-89/Civ89/Civ89.89z   2010
TI-89/Civ89/zciv89.89y   34387
TI-89 Titanium/Civ89/zciv89.89y   34387
TI-89 Titanium/Civ89/Civ89-Titanium.89z   1694
TI-89 Titanium/CivEdit/zcivedit.89y   26782
TI-89 Titanium/CivEdit/CivEdit-Titanium.89z   1694
TI-92/CivEdit/CivEdit.9xz   2010
TI-92/CivEdit/zcivedit.9xy   26781
TI-92/Civ89/Civ89.9xz   2010
TI-92/Civ89/zciv89.9xy   34394
V200/CivEdit/CivEdit.v2z   2010
V200/CivEdit/zcivedit.v2y   26783
V200/Civ89/Civ89.v2z   2010
V200/Civ89/zciv89.v2y   34393
readme.txt   5477

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