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Calculus 1 and 2 Pack v1.2


Ranked as 10867 on our all-time top downloads list with 4512 downloads.
Ranked as 10593 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename calc82.zip (Download)
Title Calculus 1 and 2 Pack v1.2
Description Included programs: algebra/geometry/trigonometry formulas, ram graphs, maclaurin series, volume and rotation of a solid, ram/trapezoid, test for convergence, projectile motion, table of domain/range/derivatives/integrals of 12 trig functions and 4 other log/expo functions, exact value/infinite domain of trig functions, Euler's method, improved Euler's method, Runge-Kutta's Method, Newton's method, slope field, and partial sums of a recursive series.
Author Wilson Ng (waesh@yahoo.com)
Category TI-82 BASIC Math Programs
File Size 32,954 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jun 16 21:36:08 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
82calc/Maclaurin Series/macserie.82p   764
82calc/Maclaurin Series/readme.txt   777
82calc/Domain, Range, Derivatives, and Integrals/domainrg.82p   1810
82calc/Domain, Range, Derivatives, and Integrals/readme.txt   806
82calc/Determining Convergence/converge.82p   1182
82calc/Determining Convergence/readme.txt   934
82calc/Projectile Motion/projecti.82p   1302
82calc/Projectile Motion/readme.txt   1229
82calc/RAM Graphs/area.82p   643
82calc/RAM Graphs/readme.txt   1250
82calc/Volume and Rotation of a Solid/volume.82p   947
82calc/Volume and Rotation of a Solid/readme.txt   3441
82calc/Exact Value of Trig. Functions/readme.txt   1498
82calc/Exact Value of Trig. Functions/exactv.82p   998
82calc/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/readme.txt   1903
82calc/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/dsin.82p   439
82calc/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/dcos.82p   437
82calc/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/dtan.82p   329
82calc/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/infin.82p   319
82calc/Newton's Method/readme.txt   1273
82calc/Newton's Method/newton.82p   259
82calc/Improved Euler's Method/readme.txt   1481
82calc/Improved Euler's Method/impeult.82p   192
82calc/Improved Euler's Method/impeulg.82p   153
82calc/Improved Euler's Method/ieulm.82p   291
82calc/Euler's Method/readme.txt   1483
82calc/Euler's Method/eulert.82p   171
82calc/Euler's Method/eulerg.82p   124
82calc/Euler's Method/eulm.82p   288
82calc/Partial Sums of a Recursive Series/readme.txt   1423
82calc/Partial Sums of a Recursive Series/psumrect.82p   169
82calc/Partial Sums of a Recursive Series/psumrecg.82p   117
82calc/Partial Sums of a Recursive Series/psum.82p   305
82calc/Runge Kutta Method/readme.txt   1487
82calc/Runge Kutta Method/runkm.82p   288
82calc/Runge Kutta Method/runkutg.82p   202
82calc/Runge Kutta Method/runkutt.82p   237
82calc/Slopefield/readme.txt   1156
82calc/Slopefield/slopefld.82p   412
82calc/RAM and Trapezoid/est.82p   296
82calc/RAM and Trapezoid/ram.82p   215
82calc/RAM and Trapezoid/readme.txt   1319
82calc/RAM and Trapezoid/trap.82p   171
82calc/Trigonometry Formulas/readme.txt   807
82calc/Trigonometry Formulas/trigf.82p   1370
82calc/Geometry Formulas/readme.txt   1039
82calc/Geometry Formulas/geomf.82p   846
82calc/Algebra Formulas/readme.txt   1133
82calc/Algebra Formulas/algef.82p   1910
82calc/readme.txt   921

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