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Volume and Rotation of a Solid


Ranked as 2686 on our all-time top downloads list with 9526 downloads.
Ranked as 10593 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename volumerotationofsolid83p.zip (Download)
Title Volume and Rotation of a Solid
Description Calculates the volume of a solid and displays the general equation after it is rotated across the x-axis, y-axis, x= a real number, and y= some integer (useful for those in Cal 1 or 2 who are learning rotation of a solid)
Author Wilson Ng (waesh@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 2,351 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 11 18:15:11 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Kristen Avery
Reviewed on 2011-05-02
This is exactly what I need! It's a very user-friendly interface that's great for a calculator-illiterate AP exam-taking student. It was quick and easy to install and the readme explained everything really well. Definitely recommending this to my AP teacher. If only we could use the calculator for the entire test, too...

The only suggestion I have is (if this is possible--I don't know much about programming) to have it solve for upper and lower limits also and automatically use them.

Note: As I suspected, I have a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition and it worked perfectly with no bugs since it was made to fit a slightly older model.

Thanks so much!

~Kristen, a High School Calculus AB student


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Volume and Rotation of a Solid/VOLUME.8xp   950
Volume and Rotation of a Solid/readme.txt   3441

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