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Ranked as 22371 on our all-time top downloads list with 2666 downloads.
Ranked as 3322 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename yapt.zip (Download)
Title Yapt
Description Unique among ti89 and 92+ assembly language periodic tables are the following features found in yapt. 1)The user can smart search by name, symbol, or atomic number. 2)There are two label systems -the user can have non desrciptive labels with units OR descriptive labels without units. 3)It can generate two dimensional electron cloud diagrams AND there are three cordinate systems for the 2d diagram used by various standards. 4)It has a name/symbol association quizzer. 5)The user can exit and have the mass of the current item be placed in the clipboard. 6)There is a molar mass computator with a pretty print interface AND it can insert results to history directly without the user having to exit the program! 7)There is a general purpose chemical formula editor -for use with a separate balancing program. 8)The user can graph data by trends -The graph can be traced, the user can alter the ymax variable and the user can do smart searches. 9)The user can export data in yapt to list variables for analysis of patterns. 10)There is a custom data page. -----Data is distributed with the permission of the Journal of Chemical Education-----
Author Samuel Stearley (sstear70@calvin.edu)
Category TI-92 Assembly Science Programs (Fargo II)
File Size 52,209 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 8 01:03:59 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
yapt.89z   18465
yapt.txt   22114
yapt.9xz   18049
history.txt   8551
yapt.92p   16414
description.txt   2026

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