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The Blair Witch Project


Ranked as 2355 on our all-time top downloads list with 10209 downloads.
Ranked as 20994 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename blair.zip (Download)
Title The Blair Witch Project
Description This is a game where you must get out of the woods, or the Blair Witch will get you.
Author Ben Weber (invertben@aol.com)
Category TI-86 Assembly Games
File Size 4,056 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Dec 5 22:43:47 1999
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Joe Stegner
Reviewed on 2004-11-21
Attention span: 1/10 So easy you kill yourself for fun.
Controls: 10/10 Move left, right, up, down.
Implementation: 5/10 Well...at least it's small...
Overall: 5/10 Better than the movie.

Anybody up for a spoof on an overhyped indie?

In this very complex (note that if you were talking to me instead of reading this, you'd notice a sarcastic tone) game, you must navigate the person out of the mind-boggling (note, again with my sarcasm) forest maze, and exit the forest without going into the cabin. If you exit the forest, you win. If you don't, you die.

Maybe this game was supposed to be a form of indie production like Blair Witch was...


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Blair.86p   2836
Blair.asm   14399
BlairWitch.txt   1017

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