Re: TIB: Easier way to do this?


Re: TIB: Easier way to do this?

can you take out the pause command?

---Aaron O'Donnell <> wrote:
> Hi. I'm writing a kind of choose your own adventure game for the
> The code goes something like this:
> Clrdraw
> text(0,0,"This line")
> text(10,0,"blah")
> 		and so on, then
> text(30,0,"What do you want to do?")
> pause
> menu("?","do this",A,"Do that",B)
> Lbl A
> clrdraw
> etc.
> etc.
> etc.
> Llb B 
> clrddraw
> text(blah
> text(blah
> pause
> 		Then either another menu or a LBL, which goes on for a 		while.
> My question is, is there a simpler way to do this, so it will take up
> less memory? I'm already up to lbl K, and lots more to go :) Any
help is
> appreciated
> Aaron O'Donnell


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