Re: DOS to TI-92 Link ???


Re: DOS to TI-92 Link ???

Thomas G. Welch ( wrote:
:   I have laid out $ 400.00 to buy two TI-92's (one for each of my sons who
:   will be taking Pre-Calc) and cannot get the TI-92's to upload or
:   download information with a DOS machine.

:   We made the cable which used pins 11 & 12 with a diode whose cathode
:   points towards pins 2 and 3 respectively and used pin 20 as shield
:   (signal) ground. Everything seen in the schematic has been built into
:   this link RS-232C cord, but no data can be transferred in either
:   direction using the link program that is currently available.

:   TI's official attitude (as written in a reply to one of my questions of
:   them), is that the "software for the TI-92 link will be for Windows and
:   Mac applications only, no DOS version is planned." All of our machines
:   here at home are 8088 or 286's and we cannot use Windows. TI seems as if
:   they could care less.

:   My feelings at this point are that if we cannot get the TI-92's to
:   communicate, then I am going to take them back and ask for a credit to
:   our VISA card. What else is out there that will do what a TI-92 will and
:   will still allow downloading/uploading to a DOS platform ???

:   Any comments ot suggestions ???

:   Many Thanks.........Tom

First of all, the cable is for the parallel (printer) port, and not RS232
(but perhaps that's what you meant?)... Second, the cable is a "hack" and
has nothing to do with TI's official linkcable (Graphlink) so I don't
think Texas can (or even want) help you.

As to getting the cable to work; Make sure your parallel port works OK first,
than try the "linktest" program to see if the cable is OK. We made the
cable exactly as it said in the description and it worked the first time.

:  ++-------------------------------++------------------------------------++
:  + I believe that Children are our future. Teach them well and let them  +
:  + lead the way.  Show them all the Beauty they possess inside.  Give    +
:  + them a sense of pride, to make it easier. Let the Children's Laughter,+
:  + Remind Us How We Use To Be. < Greatest Love of All--Whitney Houston > +
:  ++-------------------------------++------------------------------------++

Nice tag, always liked exactly that piece!

