Re: A92: Fwd: Re: Plus in Europe


Re: A92: Fwd: Re: Plus in Europe

In denmark it should arrive within the next two weeks but at a price of:

200$ or 1200 dkr !!!!!!

med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Kristian M. Schneider
gottorpvej 15
6400 sønderborg
tlf. +45-74485006

-----Original Message-----
From: Florent ZARA <>
To: <>
Date: 30. juni 1998 20:21
Subject: Re: A92: Fwd: Re: Plus in Europe

>A 18:27 29/06/98 +0200, vous avez écrit :
>>Here's the reply I got from Texas Instruments regarding the Plus release
>>date in Europe:
>>>Dear Sir,
>>>Thank you for your recent mail to Texas Instruments.
>>>The TI-92 Plus module release has not been delayed (at least not much).
>>>>From the beginning, it was planned to be launched in the Summer of '98.
>>>The module isn't released in Europe yet, but it is a question of weeks (1
>>>or 2) before it becomes available.
>The Plus Module is available yet in Europe : I found it in France
>It is expensive : at least 800 Francs ( approximatively 150 $ )
>  Florent ZARA
>E-Mail :       UIN : 8053596
>Web :
