Re: A89: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CORRECTION: Shift+ON


Re: A89: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CORRECTION: Shift+ON

Scott Noveck wrote:

<-- snip -->

> Yes, it's a command-line "compiler," although I hesitate to use that term by
> itself because there are more tools involved and I'm probably not allowed to
> describe them.  Everything CAN be done by a DOS batch file, but, as I said
> earlier, I really like the SDK's IDE and I'm sticking with it, and I'm even
> so glad to have TI's tools' full integration that I would use a "lesser"
> compiler, at least for creating the programs, and possibly TIGCC to compile
> the optimized version.
>     -Scott

I have a semi-important question~ is the SDK for windows only? I use linux by
preference (can't stand windows anymore) but by doing so have gotten limited in
my ti89 program writing. So far what I have amounts to gcc ported to compile for
ti89's, a linker, and a linking program. Will TI release a linux version of
their SDK? Or (even better) the source for it? I fail to see that releasing the
source could harm them, but it'd make them a lot better looking in my eyes. 

Or are you not allowed to answer? :/
