A86: Re: Re: [sqrt] functions and ASM studio on calc


A86: Re: Re: [sqrt] functions and ASM studio on calc

Yes!  That would be awsome!  An on-calc assembler would be really cool.

-----Original Message-----
From: CLEM <clems@mygale.org>
To: assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-86@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Wednesday, October 07, 1998 2:34 AM
Subject: A86: Re: [sqrt] functions and ASM studio on calc

>Yes, I totally figured out sqrtFORM and sqrtEXEC. I'm working on sqrtKEY
>sqrtPARSE now. My tutorial will be added to Dux Gregis asm tutorial.
>> He figured out 2 of the sqrt. progs(sqrtFORM & sqrtEXEC).  He is now
>> on sqrtHOME.  Last month,he said that he was writing a  tutorial on the
>> progs.  His web page is http://www.mygale.org/~clems but it is down right
>> now because he is redesigning it.  I have his 2 .86p files for the 2 sqrt
>> progs he figured out.  E-mail me if you want them.
>> Later,
>My friends and me, we want to program an asm editor/assembler/compiler for
>the TI-86, with a nice debugger. Is anyone interrested in such a program ?
>I don't want to waste my time...
>Later, and sorry for my very bad english ;-)
>|     name : CLEM                         |
>| homepage : http://www.mygale.org/~clems |
>|   e-mail : mailto:clems@mygale.org      |