A85: music relived! =)


A85: music relived! =)

Two things:

(a.) You came back from the grave???!!

(b.) You are missing one MAIN feature of USGARD that has never been
stressed enough, SPEED!!! I know my programs have already been sped-up at
least 4 times, probably more. Add that to a smaller shell, smaller
programs, I think the decision is obvious. All I can say is that some of
the bigger programmers seem to be using Usgard (Jimmy, Mel, Andreas). I
have no idea where I fit into the list of z80 programmers for the ti-85
but I have some sort of significant role =) BTW: due to huge school work,
college forms, and a lack of energy, I wouldn't expect my next game until
about November, sorry.

On Fri, 12 Sep 1997, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote:

> Terry Peng wrote:
> > Usgard really is a better shell. I don't believe that you can still find
> > a competent programmer who thinks that it is not the best shell by far.
> > I can guess that the writer of the original message either is not a
> > programmer or has not programmed for Usgard before. You can tell it is a
> > good shell because it is made by THE BEST programmers out there.
> I do not want to get into any wars over which shells are better..
> However, your comment above about ALL competent programmers believing
> Usgard to be the best shell is not correct!  A _TRUELY_ competent
> programmer can program well for _ANY_ environment, and I've known MANY
> who prefer environments with the LEAST extra features!!
> I tend to consider myself a decently competent programmer on the Z80
> (surely enough of one to disprove the above statement you made!), and I
> still prefer ZShell over programming to utilize the features of CShell,
> Usgard, or any other shell made! (actually, I use OS/7 because of its
> size, and the fact that I don't often run ASM programs anymore on my
> calc..)
> For what MY opinion is worth to anybody out there, OS/7 is the best
> shell made, because it happens to be the SMALLEST, and contains the
> LEAST junk!!  Also, who something is programmed by means NOTHING, as
> being a good programmer doesn't mean you can't STILL program junk (note:
> not meant to offend anyone.. just the truth!)
> -- 
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> *  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  *
> * <mozart@technologist.com> *
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

				Biya! =)

                         .       .     .    
                     .    .   .             .
              .    .                            .     .
          .                     Will Stokes                .
      .             wstokes@vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu           .
    .                   wstokes@geocities.com                       .
      .  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7360/will.htm    .
       .                                                             .
      .                                                               .
       .   http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Pines/7360/      .
        .    .           (The TI-85 Calc. Center)               .
          .                                                      .
               .               .                     .       .
                  .         .    .       .    .    .   .   .
                     .   .          .   .       .       .

Follow-Ups: References: