Re: A85: loop-trouble


Re: A85: loop-trouble

At 12:43 PM 12/12/97 -0800, Per Jacobsson wrote:
>Can someone please tell me why my getLoop function doesn't work before I
>run over my ti-85 with the car and buy a Casio.
>; hello.asm
>#include "ti-85.h"
>.org 0
>.db "Hello",0
>	call getLoop

Change this to CALL_(getLoop)
You must do this because of memory relocation.

>	ld hl, $05
>	ld (CURSOR_X), hl
>	ld hl, $00
>	ld (CURSOR_Y), hl

CURSOR_X and CURSOR_Y are each one byte, not two.  Use 'A' instead of HL.

>	ld hl, (PROGRAM_ADDR)
>	ld de, message
>	add hl, de
>	call getLoop

Again, CALL_(getLoop)

>	ret
>	call GET_KEY
>	or a
>	jr z, getLoop
>	ret
>	.db "Hello, World!", 0

 Eviljim (Jim Reardon)
 ICQ UIN #1893323 (talk to me!)
 "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm
not sure about the former."
