A85: loop-trouble


A85: loop-trouble

-> Can someone please tell me why my getLoop function doesn't work before I 
-> run over my ti-85 with the car and buy a Casio. 
Blasphemy!!!!!!!!  ;-) 
-> ************** 
-> ; hello.asm 
-> #include "ti-85.h" 
-> .org 0 
-> .db "Hello",0 
->  call getLoop 
          <--- can't use straight calls in ZShell use ZShell's CALL_()
->  ld hl, $05 
->  ld (CURSOR_X), hl 
->  ld hl, $00 
->  ld (CURSOR_Y), hl 
->  ld hl, (PROGRAM_ADDR) 
->  ld de, message 
->  add hl, de 
->  call getLoop 
->  ret 
-> getLoop: 
->  call GET_KEY 
->  or a 
->  jr z, getLoop 
->  ret 
-> message: 
->  .db "Hello, World!", 0 
-> .end 
-> *********** 
-> /Per Jacobsson 
->  http://www.algonet.se/~pjac