Re: A85: loop-trouble


Re: A85: loop-trouble

On Fri, 12 Dec 1997 12:43:54 -0800, you wrote:

>Can someone please tell me why my getLoop function doesn't work before I
>run over my ti-85 with the car and buy a Casio.

<code snipped>

>/Per Jacobsson

Your problem might be that you are loading the cursor position
incorrectly.  I always load the cursor position using $800C (not sure
what this address is in the header file).  to print text at row 4, col
3 you would:
 ld hl,$0403
 ld ($800C),hl
but to use the CURSOR_X and _Y, you should probably be loading the
value into an 8 bit register.  so instead of 
 ld hl,$00
 ld (CURSOR_Y),hl
it should probably be 
 xor a			; ld a,0 (1 byte smaller)
 ld (CURSOR_Y),a
but i am not sure about that since i never do it that way.

-mike pearce
