[A83] Re: Uncharted capabilities of the 83+


[A83] Re: Uncharted capabilities of the 83+

At 22:23 2001-11-07, you wrote:
>"On" button expecting to see the "Ram Cleared" screen, when I saw a blue
>line.  I repeat, a blue line.  I pressed Enter.  The blue line shifted to
>another part of the screen.  I pressed Enter repeatedly, each time the line

Heh. the classical blue lines. Has been mentioned on this list, and 
discussed about once or twice a year since the ti83 non-plus days.
Maybe we should write an FAQ for this list.
If you know how to program, you recreate it by sending a certain command to 
the lcd driver, that put it into an undocumented "test mode" (undocumented 
in the way that the manufacturer of the lcd driver says nothing more about 
it then "test mode, do not use")

 > Hehe, not harmful?! My screen misses 5 lines. Sometimes they display
 > normally, but after a while they just drop out again. And I guess that's
 > because of all the BLODs I've had. It just looks like some circuit burned
 > half through. And belief me, missing lines on your screen is quite annoying.

This is new news though!
First time I have heard anyone claim damaged lcd due to BLODs. Have you 
done a lot of experimenting with them?
Others that have experimented a lot with them has claimed that it hasn't 
hurt their lcd at all.
I have always suspected that it is harmful to the lcd.
I guess its hard to prove or disprove.  (anyone want to give me a hundred 
brand new ti83s or so, so I could do a scientific test on this? :)


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