A82: Re: Grayscale?


A82: Re: Grayscale?

sorry for the delay
i left my computer and access to email at school.
i did get to do some z80 coding at home though.

i didnt have any luck with the grayscale on doing a task such as
displaying a map or such.  The only use i see for it is a 4 color title

Ive been working on a command and conquer type game right now.  It looks
pretty damn cool, and features 8 way motion via a mouse and scrolls in
four directions one pixel at a time.  I wrote a working level editor that
uses the VAT, so thats pretty much all i have now.  Its pretty nice and i
can send it to you if you would like.

But the movement routines are going to suck.


----- Original Message -----
From: Sam Heald <evil_sam@hotmail.com>
To: <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 1999 1:03 PM
Subject: A82: Grayscale?

>    I'm trying different ways to spruce up Baseball II's graphics. This
> comes up every once in awhile, but has anyone ever gotten good, nearly
> flickerless results when experimenting with 4-level grayscale on the 82?
> only one ever mentioned, Jeremy's grayscale interrupt, did not yield very
> good results for me (even his demo looks pretty bad on my 82).
>    Recently, I converted Ian Graf's graylib (83) to work on the 82. It's
> better than most because it includes a sprite routine and picture
> compression, but it still flickers pretty badly. Has anyone gotten better
> results than these? (Don't run them on an emulator, because they look much
> better than they actually are)
>    Sam
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