Re: A82: Poll


Re: A82: Poll

Actually I was going to try to use up as many keys as I could for actually typing characters. Special functions would be
invoked through a combination of key presses, a la Emacs. I could also include a little menu so Edit and Notepad users
would feel right at home too. :)
Right now, these are how some of the keys are mapped:
Arrows - Move cursor
[TRACE] - PageUp
[GRAPH] - PageDown
[2nd]+[LEFT] - PageLeft
[2nd]+[RIGHT] - PageRight
[WINDOW] - Home
[ZOOM] - End
[2nd]+[TRACE] - Go to beginning of file
[2nd]+[GRAPH] - Go to end of file
[MODE] - Toggle word wrap
[X,T,0] - Toggle font (between regular and DOS)
[2nd]+[DEL] - Toggle insert/overwrite mode
[Y=]  - Invert the screen
[DEL]  - Delete character
[CLEAR] - Backspace
[ENTER] - Return (make a new line)
[2nd]+[MODE] - Return to the Main Menu
Any suggestions?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Wazny" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 06:09
Subject: Re: A82: Poll
The nice thing about the calc is that there are a good number of
non-character keys and you can be sure each one has the same keypad. The
best move would be to leave the full-screen text view as it is, and add
features via the otherwise useless keys. For example:
y= skip cursor left a "word" (until it reaches whitespace)
graph same, but move right
zoom bring up a prompt and allow the user to enter a line number to
skip to
trace allow user to enter a word to search for

Follow-Ups: References: