A82: Re: Poll


A82: Re: Poll

I normally use DOS edit (or vi when I am using HPUX), but I don't want a
free moving cursor, and word wrap is nice.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kouri" <Kouri@ucdavis.edu>
To: <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Cc: <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: 5. januar 2000 09:34
Subject: A82: Poll

> Hi. Just a quick poll here. Which editor do you prefer? Windows Notepad,
DOS Edit, or other?
> I am trying to incorporate the best features of each into my program.
> For example, Edit has a free moving cursor. That is, you can move the
cursor to any part of the screen and just start
> typing away. But in Notepad, the cursor must follow the text. You can't
just click at a point on the screen and start
> typing there. However having the cursor follow the text is sometimes
better for browsing through files. So which style
> would you prefer? I can do either. Right now I'm doing the Notepad style,
so if more people would rather have the Edit
> style, tell me now!
> Edit doesn't have a word wrap feature, but Notepad does. I've already
included a word wrap feature in my program.
> Notepad has selectable fonts, Edit doesn't. My program has two selectable
fonts, and both have full ASCII character
> sets.
> Edit has selectable tab sizes. Notepad doesn't. Right now my program has
tabs fixed at 8 spaces. If enough people want
> it, I'll try to make it variable though.
> Neither Edit nor Notepad has a goto line: x feature. This I want to
implement as well.
> There are lots of little things that make a good editor, and I'll try to
include as many of them as I can. What are your
> favorite editor features?
> -Kouri
> http://kouri.cjb.net
