Re: A82: PlainJump?


Re: A82: PlainJump?

Greg Milewski wrote:

> hmm... i must be suffering summer laziness, but it's a mix of things...
> read on, people.
> porting is so... tedious.  i sit at my computer, staring at the screen,
> or sometimes sheets i printed out, and all i see is other people's
> programs.  there's no fun in that.  sure, people like it when you convert
> a game to a platform that never had it before, but plainjump doesn't seem
> to have that much popularity, as opposed to tetris or sqrxz.
> i'm working on a program of my own, for the ti85. it MAY be ported to the
> 82 as well, which is easier because it's MY code, and i know exactly what
> the hell i'm thinking (most of the time).
> for those of you who are 85-less, you can use randy gluvna's ti8xemu
> because i'm working on addvar8x, which will allow all of you to emulate
> any calc, as long as you have a rom (gee, i wonder where one would get
> one of those...)
> IF YOU WANT PJ TO CONTINUE, REPLY!!  if i see people's interest in it, i
> will continue.

I would like to see PlainJump for the 82.  I think its a great game.
Espically with external levels.

Bryan Rabeler <>
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