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(Parent Dir)folder Up to Voyage 200 Assembly Files
kernelfolder Voyage 200 Assembly Math Programs (Kernel)
apstatshelp.zip13k04-06-29File is not ratedAP Statistics Review
Scroll through 22 pages of AP Statistics formulas/information, covering most of the course curriculum. Very good review if you are going to take the AP Stats Exam. This nostub program should work on all 68k calcs, including the TI-89 Titanium.
baseconvbin.zip37k24-05-08File is not ratedbaseconv
baseconv is a tool for the TI-89/TI-92/Voyage 200 for converting numbers between different bases. Supported bases include binary, decimal, hexadecimal, as well as any other base up to and including base 62. This program works on Voyage 200, TI-92, and TI-89. Tested on a physical Voyage 200. Since I don't have a physical TI-89 or TI-92, I emulated them on my laptop.
basexto10.zip8k05-12-21File is not ratedbaseXto10
This amazing assembly program converts a number in any base between 2 to 16 to its corresponding value in base 10. And that's not it!, it also converts fractional/ floating point numbers in any base to base 10. The zip file contains the base conversion program for TI-89, TI-92, and Voyager200.
coinflip.zip7k09-11-14File is not ratedCoin Flipper
This is a simple coin flipping program for 68k calculators. It can flip about a million coins a minute, and can flip upwards of 2 million coins! Source code included!
desclu.zip4k08-12-01File is not ratedDescomposicion LU
Este sencillo programa con solo ingresar una matriz A la descompone en la matriz L y la matriz U.
ecartypp.zip5k03-12-08File is not ratedecartypp
Calcul de l'écart-type sur une population Returns the standard deviation based on a population
getnames.zip5k03-03-13File is not ratedGet Names
This program will process through the inputs and will output a list of all variables in the inputs
hailbeta1.zip38k04-05-20File is not ratedHail Expression Writer
This program gives the user a graphical user interface for writing equations in 2D.
implicit_dydx.zip3k03-10-13File is not ratedImplicit Differentiation
This will implicity differentiate and solve for dy/dx. Works on AMS 1.01+
isolve.zip23k07-01-07File is not ratedInequality Solver v4.2.1
While the solve function on the TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92+, and Voyage 200 can only solve relatively simple inequality equations and partially simplify more complex ones, this function can solve most single-variable inequality expressions, including polynomials and multiple equations. Answers can be returned in either symbolic or approximate form and will be output in a way similar to the answers returned by the solve function. -- Version 4.2.1 fixes a bug where incorrect answers were returned if a constraint expression was used with a periodic function that had a period less than 1. Now, all values in the constraint expression are treated as critical points and are used in the range evaluations to improve accuracy.
pascal.zip5k11-06-19File is not ratedPascal's Triangle
This program returns the given row of Pascal's triangle as a list. This program sacrifices size for speed, so beware. Tip: it can also be used to find the coefficients of a binomial expansion.
pythaghyp.zip1k11-06-13File is not ratedPythagorean Legs
Given the hypotenuse of a right triangle, this program finds every possible pair of integer legs that yields the given hypotenuse. Breaking via ON key is supported.
roman.zip7k05-03-29File is not ratedRoman Number Converter v1.3
This program converts Arabic numbers to Roman numerals and back.
s2m.zip4k06-10-28File is not ratedS2M
A utility for finding the generator of a polynomial sequence. Takes a variable number of parameters (the sequence), calculates the order of the polynomial generator, and produces an augmented matrix ready for Gaussian elimination to arrive at the final co-efficients. Usage scenario and description at top of source file (tigcc compilable). Compiled for ti89/89t, 92p and v200, verified working on 89t and 92p.
subprog.readmat.zip1k09-11-06File is not ratedreadmat
this small programm allows you to easily input a matrix without changing to the matrix editor, i use it inside other progs to input matrix please send me comments
ticf.zip61k05-03-02File is not ratedTI-CF Cash Flow Diagram Solver
TI-CF ver 1.0 is an application designed to solve single variable cash flow diagram (CFD) problems in a command line, function based manner. TI-CF was written in C and assembled for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200 calculators. Requires AMS >1.01. See ti-cf.gveto.com for more information and updates.
twenty_four.zip11k11-06-15File is not ratedTwenty Four
This program solves sets of "Twenty Four" problems, problems in which one is given four numbers to manipulate via addition/subtraction & multiplication/division in order to obtain the number 24. Breaking by means of the ON key *is* supported.

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