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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Choice Votes   Percent
It's fine 159 41.5%   
It's a bit annoying, but it's ok 155 40.5%   
It sucks 69 18.0%   

Survey posted 2002-02-02 15:38 by Magnus.

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Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
(Web Page)

is it possible to change the e-mail address of yourself under the authors because thats the one thats out of date for me

Reply to this comment    3 February 2002, 19:09 GMT

Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Kenneth Johnson  Account Info

i think that's what it's for...

Reply to this comment    3 February 2002, 20:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Robert Mohr  Account Info
(Web Page)

This is for the user accounts, not the author information. Somewhere in the replies to the article about this Magnus says that they want to combine the two. Honestly, I don't think that will happen soon--and I would rather have the file archives updated anyway.

As for changing your author email address, send an email from your old account (if you still have access to it, if not, then I don't know what to do) asking for them to switch to your new account.

Reply to this comment    3 February 2002, 23:31 GMT

Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
acr34  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've been trying for 5 months.

Reply to this comment    4 February 2002, 23:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Brian Koshy  Account Info

Well i think this is kinda of a pain because you have to confirm and all this nonsense they should concentrate more on the files rather than have people sign and reverify and all this time wasting activites.

Reply to this comment    6 February 2002, 02:41 GMT

Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Achorny  Account Info

All right, I know this is unrelated, but I also know of no better place to post it:

I want to start a site dedicated to discussing programming and gaming on the TI-83+ and also reviewing programs. I want to do this because no one wants any more reviewers and I want a place to discuss random things about the 83+. I am not sure where it will be hosted, but I aim to make a well designed site (HTML 4.01) that people will revisite for TI-83+ info.

Does anybody have any ideas for a *name* for this site? I am good with computers, but not all that creative. Help.

Reply to this comment    5 February 2002, 01:32 GMT

What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Cassandra_2004 Account Info

I don't know what I think of the account verification system. It seems okay to me so far.

Reply to this comment    6 February 2002, 02:34 GMT

Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?

yeah, I havn't really noticed it yet, and everything seems normal so far.

Reply to this comment    8 February 2002, 04:25 GMT

Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Jahshan Bhatti

It's not that bad. (I have never gotten this verification before.)

Reply to this comment    6 February 2002, 03:34 GMT

Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
DWedit  Account Info
(Web Page)

Oh the irony!! The same site that has PROGRAM APPROPRIATNESS GUIDELINES now has a poll choice with a DIRTY WORD ON IT!

Reply to this comment    7 February 2002, 05:23 GMT

Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?

yeah. Gotta watch out for those 4 letter words. Didn't Dwedit used to be a map editor for the original Dark Forces game? (it was a piece of crap, but it did better than any other program)

Reply to this comment    8 February 2002, 04:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
ravage485  Account Info

is it just me or do these forums get off track like a bat out of.... umm heck?... despite all the new ..... junk?.... that has been implemented for just that reason?

Reply to this comment    9 February 2002, 00:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Michael Vincent  Account Info
(Web Page)

Does anyone else remember that there was once a time when there were very small quanities of these now-rampant off-topic posts?

Reply to this comment    9 February 2002, 15:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Chickendude  Account Info

Soon they'll probably not let anyone post stuff on the surveys/news

Reply to this comment    10 February 2002, 21:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
dude9687  Account Info

Wow, I agree. Hey, anyone here notice the weather lately? It's getting a bit warmer lately...

Reply to this comment    18 February 2002, 06:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
Chickendude  Account Info

Here in Virginia, it was getting warmer, but now it's getting cold again:(

Reply to this comment    20 February 2002, 02:08 GMT

Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
David  Account Info
(Web Page)

What they need is a better forum designed for general threads such as homework, programming, and completely non-related issues while keeping these forums intact.

Reply to this comment    20 February 2002, 18:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What do you think about the ticalc.org account verification system?
DWedit  Account Info
(Web Page)

Don't know about that, my nickname came from a Dragon Warrior editor.

Reply to this comment    23 February 2002, 21:51 GMT

Finally, it works!
Knight/Rocket Account Info

I finally managed to get my account working again, so verification is fine with me. I understand the attempt to clear vast amounts of dead emails, but I think I know another way. Why doesn't ticalc institute a "secret question" as Yahoo has?

This secret question would enable a user to get an account functional again after accidentally putting in the wrong email address, for example. In my case, I put in the wrong address, and ticalc needed a way to ID me to get my account changed. This would allow for that.

Just a thought. :-)

Reply to this comment    11 February 2002, 15:18 GMT

Re: Finally, it works!
dude9687  Account Info

Heh... if ticalc didn't have their head shoved so far up their arse, maybe they'd notice that. Hmm....

Reply to this comment    18 February 2002, 06:28 GMT

What good is having your email address if they don't even use it???
dude9687  Account Info

Oh my god. I just had such a pain in the ass with ticalc.org when I posted FallDown 2.1 for the 83+. I entered my email as dude9687@pacbell.net, and it showed up as revenge@planetquake.com! It's almost as though they don't even care who you are! I emailed them three times about it, and they never responded once. I'm amazed. Such a nice website, such a crappy support system. One word: BLOW!

Reply to this comment    18 February 2002, 06:23 GMT

What good is having your email address if they don't even use it???
Cassandra_2004 Account Info

I change my mind. I dislike the verification system. It's annoying and it should just ask a secret question instead.

Reply to this comment    18 February 2002, 22:37 GMT

Re: What good is having your email address if they don't even use it???
George Limpert  Account Info
(Web Page)

Why would asking a secret question verify your e-mail address? I don't really understand. I think it creates an md5 hash of some of your account information and sends it to you. At least it looks to me like it does that. And then you go to a page and enter your nickname, password, and the hash (code) sent to your e-mail address. And then it's done. It doesn't seem like much of a hassle to me.

Reply to this comment    2 March 2002, 23:14 GMT

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