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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Choice Votes   Percent
I'm not in school, hence no vacations. 21 5.3%   
No, without math homework, I don't need my calc. 45 11.3%   
Sometimes, if I need to calculate something. 152 38.3%   
Yes, I use it every day. 179 45.1%   

Survey posted 2001-06-09 22:25 by Andy Selle.

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Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Cam Collins  Account Info

I create Unreal Tournament levels so I have to calculate a lot of stuff. I also use the summer to learn ASM.

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 03:54 GMT


The stupid ACT. Damn it to heck!

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 04:00 GMT

Re: The ACT

It's supposed to be either "darn it to heck" or "damn it to hell"

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 05:16 GMT

Re: The ACT
nathan grigg  Account Info

why? because it won't let you use a ti-89? it's not like you need one. The ACT is all memorization anyway, no math involved.

Reply to this comment    25 June 2001, 01:59 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?

7th post!
closest I've ever been to the beginning.
I'll use my calculators if they are convenient and if I need them.

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 05:18 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?

sorry, I can't count.
It's actually the eighth, but it's still the closest I've ever been.

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 05:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Marcus McG  Account Info

Ok, why don't you count one more time? Hey, I accidentally mis-voted. May I take my vote back and exchange it for another one?

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 06:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Viktor Petrov  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't think so

Reply to this comment    11 June 2001, 21:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Ted Burton  Account Info

I demand a recount! How many hanging chads were there? ;)

Reply to this comment    15 June 2001, 18:52 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Ben Ilegbodu  Account Info
(Web Page)

I voted for I use my calc every day, but that's actually very wrong. I really didn't have an answer choice that fits me. I actually work on my website that's about TI calculators every day. Does that count?

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 07:43 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Bradley Grundman  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think it counts. I myself use my calc. everyday and I'm starting a web site with programs for it. Check it out at http://yodas.ws/TI86/
The reason I think it counts is because you'd have to use and know your calc. enough to want to make a site on it. That's probably how ticalc.org started.

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 18:33 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Yottabyte  Account Info
(Web Page)


In all seriousness, I use my TI-89 for so many things it's funny. Role playing, killing time, programing, pda subitute, and anything else I program it to do.

Reply to this comment    11 June 2001, 09:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Ben Ilegbodu  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well it's not like I gave the name of it or a link to it. I just mentioned that I had one. If someone was interested, then they'd click on that "(Web Page)" link under my name.

Reply to this comment    15 June 2001, 08:32 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

10th Post! Wahey, the first double figures!

I use my calculator whenever I need to. For example:

* Exams that I have got right now! 5 down, 2 to go!
* Complicated calculations for the PC such as how many clusters there are in a cylinder of a FAT32 file system.
* Gaming when I get stressed!

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 12:20 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Robert Snyder  Account Info

well if you wanted to be weird, you could say you had the second vote. (10)2 <-- 10 base 2 but thats' only if you want to be weird. I need sleep.

Reply to this comment    11 June 2001, 05:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

Good idea!!!

Reply to this comment    11 June 2001, 19:51 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
tggrape  Account Info

but Fat12 is so much beter...

kidding u dumb @ss

Reply to this comment    20 June 2001, 15:28 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
BLAlien  Account Info

Hee hee, I'm such a loser - my math teacher said I was the only person in the entire school who checked out a math book over the summer so I could be a little ahead next year. So, naturally, I use my calculator plenty. *Sigh*, only 2.5 more months until I get to take Honor's Geometry, Honor's Pre-calc, and C++ Programming all at the same time. Did I ever mention I was a loser?

-BL Alien

Reply to this comment    10 June 2001, 22:56 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?
762mm  Account Info

Hey, right on, i checked out my pre-calc, physics, and AP history book over the summer, i am the ultimate nerd. i read the history one just for fun

Reply to this comment    23 June 2001, 06:32 GMT

Of course!
Knight/Rocket Account Info

I program my calculator often, and programming doesn't just stop. Ideas still happen, things still beg to be programmed, rewritten and reprogrammed.

I just went on a little road trip over the weekend, and whenever I was not driving, I was either looking at the scenery or working on Programaster: Periodic Table 2001 for my 83+.


Reply to this comment    11 June 2001, 02:48 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator on vacations from school?

I get my TI 83+ SE in two days and I'll put all the assembly games on it and carry it everywhere like my TI 83+! HaHaHa!

Reply to this comment    11 June 2001, 03:51 GMT

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