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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, I am an April Fool 141 30.0%   
No, you couldn't trick me 187 39.8%   
I didn't visit ticalc.org on 1 April and missed everything 142 30.2%   

Survey posted 2001-04-02 05:15 by Andy Selle.

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Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Pandrogas  Account Info
(Web Page)

That was a mean trick. But, I gotta admit, you guys pulled the wool over our eyes.

Reply to this comment    2 April 2001, 14:13 GMT

damn it, you got me!
Simon Nesbø  Account Info

Such posts shouldn't be allowed.
You almost gave me a heartattack, having an ad for a hp calc!

Reply to this comment    2 April 2001, 18:22 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

Ey! What's happened! Why the ads have gone down immediately after a huge bandwidth bill! You should have left the non commericial ones up so that other authors can be famous! I could have advertised my recently uploaded web site!

Reply to this comment    2 April 2001, 19:08 GMT

Re: Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

I have only realized this is an April Fool! Very nice one ticalc.org that I will remember it forever! Next time I could do it to my web site!

Reply to this comment    2 April 2001, 19:44 GMT

*sniff* I fell for it
Mike Kolassa  Account Info
(Web Page)

I fell for it pretty easily because it seemed like it could actually happen. I really didn't care though, because if you guys did fall short on the bill, I'd have no problems clicking your banner from several different IP's a day to keep TIcalc.org online. ;)


Reply to this comment    2 April 2001, 19:10 GMT

Re: *sniff* I fell for it
Nathan Buda  Account Info
(Web Page)

True, but, still, it'd clutter the site horribly. I guess I could put up with it if that was the only way to keep ticalc.org up, but I'm so glad they don't have banners and, or adds. :)

--Nathan Buda

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 00:09 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
BB  Account Info

Who is getting paid for our clicking on the Beggin Strips ad?

Reply to this comment    2 April 2001, 21:41 GMT

Re: Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
nick_2x Account Info

I'm getting paid for it!

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 20:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Nathan Buda  Account Info
(Web Page)

Do you make beggin strips?

--Nathan Buda

Reply to this comment    4 April 2001, 04:27 GMT

Street Fighter II
Zach Hobson  Account Info

I know this is off topic-- sorry. No one seems to look at past message boards :)

I can't get Street Fighter II to run on my 89. I have an HW2 AMS2.05 calc, with hw2patch on it. I have been able to run any ASM game I come across but this one. I've tried using doorsos, plusshell, universalOS, etc. and none of them work. All the programs are also archived, leaving me with around 185k RAM free, so that shouldn't be a prob. Does anyone know how to get this game to work??? I was told by one of the authors to try using Plusshell 1.0 with HW1 AMS1.0, but I don't wanna lose all that RAM plus FLASH mem!
If anyone knows how to get it working, please e-mail me!

--By the way, GREAT April Fools Joke. I caught on though (posted at 00:00) :)

Reply to this comment    2 April 2001, 22:40 GMT

Street Fighter II--Still Need Help
Zach Hobson  Account Info

I still need help! It's also okay to answer through the message board (I'm not so stubborn as to only read responses by e-mail!) From what I've heard though, it will only work on HW1 89s. Any help?

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 05:04 GMT

Re: Street Fighter II--Still Need Help
(Web Page)

Have you installed the HW2 Patch? If not, you should. Also, be sure it was designed to run on ASM 2.05, since it is not NOSTUB.

(Applying more thought to problem... ooh, reviewing your comment... Aha!)

Doesn't look good. You may not be able to run it since it was designed for ASM 1.00. To add salt to an open wound, ASM 1.00 is NOT allowed on HW2 calcs.

I would ask for a second opinion, though (assuming others are willing to give it...)

Doctor ericman2000, always ready to help... After a good night's sleep.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 22:08 GMT

Re: Re: Street Fighter II--Still Need Help
Zach Hobson  Account Info

Yes, I have the hw2patch for AMS 2.05. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to run other AMS games (unless they were NOSTUB). I'm still stuck without a solution. But I swear people with HW2 calcs have played this game!!! How do they get it working? Or is it stupid TI's 2.05 that is somehow restricting it?
Once more I ask-- if anyone knows how to get SFII running on an HW2 AMS 2.05 Hw2patched calc, please tell me!

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 22:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Street Fighter II--Still Need Help
Shaun  Account Info

*humming funeral march*
The...answer...is...that...you...can't! In TI's new 2.05 the unleash the full (as in other than blackbar) power of the antipiracy chip, you will have problems with certain, (non-nostub) games simply because a lot of shells try to look up stuff that 2.05 blocks off if the searcher is non-nostub. Sorry. Anyone feel free to yell at me or whatever if I am wrong, you would probably need to ask Zeljko for the most correct answer.

Reply to this comment    4 April 2001, 20:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Street Fighter II--Still Need Help
Zach Hobson  Account Info

I thought that the HW2patch allowed for the disabled ROM calls, etc. Am I wrong? Does AMS 2.05 still restrict operations even when patched?!?! (If so that's scary...) And if It's just AMS 2.05 thats not allowing me to play SFII, can someone send me AMS 2.03 please (if it will work on that)?

-Zach Hobson

Reply to this comment    4 April 2001, 21:46 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Don Quixote Account Info

great joke!
Has anyone ever noticed that if you click the hide fake news, the cgi script sets "var=dummy" Try it, hold your mouse over the hide fake news button and look at the address at the bottom
is this a jab at the dummies that hide fake news? Cool.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 01:24 GMT

Re: Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Shaun  Account Info

I think it is actually setting the news article variable to "dummy" so that it will not be shown. Or it could be that the fake news are naturally under "dummy". Or it could be that people who believe fake news are dummies.

Reply to this comment    4 April 2001, 20:05 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
acr34  Account Info
(Web Page)

Did it ever strike any of you as strange that you set your clocks forward on April Fools Day?

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 02:48 GMT

Re: Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?

That doesn't always happen. The next time daylight savings ends on April first will be 2010.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 23:50 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?

Somehow I didn't think you would be advertising HP calculators on a Texas Instruments-devoted web site...but you did fool me.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 03:13 GMT

Re: Did you really think ticalc.org would go down the banner ad alley?
Roland Vassallo  Account Info
(Web Page)

No tricking me with that April fools joke! I've been visiting ticalc.org for almost 3 years now, and hadn't known about the past April fool's jokes, but I knew better than to think you guys would have Ads on the site.

I have always wondered why you didn't have any ads, as you guys could be making some good cash, but that's just my uber-capitalist economics teachers influence talking.

Even if you guys did put ads on your site, I wouldn't mind a bit, especially if it were only on the front page (but maybe placed on the side with the Time, Recent updates, etc. under a "Sponsor" title and then a larger banner at the bottom would be ok too, as I only look at the most recent archive updates since I check out this site every day). That wouldn't be too bad at all, especially if the ads were all geared at calculator related stuff.

But ad-free is the way to go unless you guys need the cash. You are offering an awesome service to us for nothing, and that's awesome. The only real problem ads pose is download time, which isn't an issure for me (DSL rocks, but I can't wait to go off to college. OC-3. Enough said.) and then possibly some aesthetic quibbles (blinking/flashing=bad!), but like I mentioned above, banners on the side/bottom would be pretty much out of the way and I don't think they'd distract from the real content of the website.

Ok, enough of this rambling. I feel like I'm trying to convince ticalc to run ads...

"Ad-free begins with me"

Reply to this comment    3 April 2001, 05:44 GMT

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