2 or 1 :(
I didn't or won't ever take AP tests
I haven't taken my AP tests yet
I haven't gotten my results this year yet
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
My average is only a 3 (damn those essays). That pretty good considering that they were the American History and European History ( almost every one I know that took other ap test and these told me that history is far harder than any other). I only two 3 ap classes and only 2 test but I know some that had 5 test in one week.
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17 July 2000, 22:14 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
Heres a story that will make your day. One day my teacher went on a rant and was telling us that for every student that passes an ap test that school gets extra funding. In some schools that funding goes right into the teachers pocket. At the school I went to almost every junior took the ap american history exam. now if the teachers (two taught the class) were to get the money they would be very wealth men, but they didn't get the money, it was used for teaching aids and helping our furture students. Heres the part you'll like. In some states (like alabama) that make everyone take ap test. Most of the students don't know what anything about the subject but the state receives money just because they tried. with all of these students failing that helps us out. They make up the students that must fail on the curve. So more of you get better grades because of the ignorance of others
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17 July 2000, 22:44 GMT
Rant with some advice for people planning to take AP
(Web Page)
Don't take any humanities tests. It's not because they're hard (they're really easy), it's just that it's much better to take them in college.
If your college needs some General Institution Requirements (<--sorry, MIT lingo is all I know) and you're not a bio major, you should take the biology. You don't even need the class; just get the Princeton Review book and you'll get an easy 5 (unless you're a retard).
Take BC. There isn't really that much more material on it, and you even if you mess up the power series stuff, you still get an AB subscore. (In the interest of full disclosure, I didn't take either one. It was more fun to just take two semesters of college Calc and get transfer credit. I did this mostly because I would absolutely have to have a 5 on BC, since MIT compresses its single-var classes into one semester.)
Like Ford said, "History is bunk." Take it. Get it out of the way.
I don't know anything about the physics or CS tests. My guess is that if you're going to major in either one at a competitive school, it would be better to take them there.
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17 July 2000, 22:50 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
(Web Page)
I don't usually lie on these polls, but I just couldn't help it this time... Oh, another completely unrelated thing: I NEW COMPUTER ARRIVED!!!!
800 MHz Pentium 3 with 128 Megs of SDRAM
30 GB HD with an ATA 66 controller card
Sound Blaster Live! sound card (nice)
RIVA TNT2 graphics with 32 Megs of ram
and a free printer because Dell messed up our order and charged us for two computers (fixed that).
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18 July 2000, 02:28 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
(Web Page)
I'll take all my AP courses my senior year. I'll be taking AP Calculus (I hope), AP Biology, and maybe AP English.
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18 July 2000, 04:16 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
I a
(Web Page)
I'm just a freshman and I took an AP Statistics test...only freshman at my school taking an AP class :)
I got a 4...I feel that's ok for a freshman
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18 July 2000, 04:27 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
I got a 3 on US History, and a 2 on AP Language & Comp (AP English 3, Brit. Lit.)
About inline with what I was expecting(which from me, was not much), the English exam ate me alive, and the US History, well, I didn't think that tons of terms, multiple choice worksheets, and document based questions was really all that beneficial.
To say the least, it frustrates me to no end seeing people get 5s easy, when I struggle for a 2.
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18 July 2000, 16:30 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
What the h**l is an AP test?
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19 July 2000, 06:56 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
Daniel Henry
(Web Page)
I got a 2 in US History, a 3 in Chem, and a 4 in Calc. They don't even offer CS at my school... (sniff sniff)
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19 July 2000, 09:13 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
Noah Tsutsui
(Web Page)
screw ap tests. the only thing they test is wheather or not we can be taught mindless tricks, similar to a monkey or dog.
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20 July 2000, 06:20 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
Edward Kunkes
I took AP Calc AB, Chem, Physics B, Bio, Physics C Mech and Physics C E&M at brooklyn tech H.S., All 5's except for calc, got a 4 on that because my trusty Ti-89 crashed in the middle of the test :-(
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21 July 2000, 00:37 GMT
Re: What was the average of all your AP scores? (Rounded to the nearest integer, not just this year!)
All 3 of my AP Classes had a high number of students - over 20 in stats, nearly a dozen in calc, and a whopping SIX in bio.
Calc - 4
Bio - 3
Stats - 3, if I had taken the test
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21 July 2000, 03:53 GMT
What the heck
Hey, can anyone answer me this, if all these schools give the AP tests, what the HECK are SAT II's for? Do they do ANYTHING?
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21 July 2000, 05:29 GMT
ap test
Luke Haywas
(Web Page)
hah i got a 5 on every stinking test i ever took - euro hist, us hist, physics c mech, chem, engl lang
HAHAHA! and i got 6 more this year!!!
And i am in calc 2 at the jc
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5 October 2000, 04:53 GMT
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