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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes! Why hasn't it ever been done before? 4 8.5%   
Yes, both calculators are very similar, and combining the sections would reduce confusion 6 12.8%   
No, there are compatibility issues between the 92+/V200 that would make it hard to find programs that work for a particular model 16 34.0%   
No, combining them would make things too confusing or disorganized 3 6.4%   
No, I'm afraid the file archivers would break something 3 6.4%   
I have no opinion or don't know enough about the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 to decide 14 29.8%   
Other (please post a comment and explain) 1 2.1%   

Survey posted 2009-07-26 07:27 by Astrid.

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Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
KermMartian  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think they're similar enough that it would remove a ton of duplication.

Reply to this comment    26 July 2009, 14:27 GMT

Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
calcdude84se  Account Info

Yeah, they could merge what's similar, but also have separate "TI-92 Only" and "Voyage 200 Only" folders

Reply to this comment    27 July 2009, 15:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Shady_0883  Account Info

I agree with calcdude84se

Reply to this comment    28 July 2009, 19:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Anthony Li Account Info

well wouldnt it be the same?

Reply to this comment    30 July 2009, 12:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
calcdude84se  Account Info

The "TI-92 Plus Only" folder would have files that worked only on the ti-92 plus, and the "Voyage 200 Only" folder would have files that only worked on the Voyage 200. The merged folder would have programs that work on both.

Reply to this comment    1 August 2009, 20:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
calcvids Account Info
(Web Page)

I can only agree.

Reply to this comment    20 August 2009, 00:27 GMT

Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
nyall Account Info
(Web Page)

If you have two folders because of compatibility issues then you should also create two folders for the ti89 vs ti89 titanium.

Reply to this comment    27 July 2009, 00:11 GMT

Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
nyall Account Info
(Web Page)

Speaking of calculator differences: why is there only one nspire directory? The presence of a CAS on one of the models greatly changes what you can do with tibasic.

Reply to this comment    27 July 2009, 00:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Travis Evans  Account Info

I think Nikky created the Nspire directories, so he'll have to answer that. However, I believe he's on vacation at the moment.

Reply to this comment    28 July 2009, 11:51 GMT

Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
mdsb  Account Info
(Web Page)

Voted that I do not know enough to decide.

Reply to this comment    27 July 2009, 23:24 GMT

Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Travis Evans  Account Info

Would anyone here be able to explain specifically what compatibility issues are of concern regarding the 92+/V200? I had been told that the calculators were very similar (to the same extent as the 89/89t, even) and that there really weren't any major interoperability problems except for possibly some programs not being able to fit on the 92+.

Also, does current linking software allow both .9x? and .v2? files to be sent to either calculator? If so, then we won't have to require people to include both in their ZIPs.

If anyone can reply to this (the more replies, the better), it would help me understand the issue better so I can consider other options as well as the suggestions posted here.

Reply to this comment    29 July 2009, 02:16 GMT

Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Matt Ventura Account Info
(Web Page)

It's the minor things, like what would make a program for a 84+ not run on an 83+. They're 99% compatible, but it's the little things that make it not 100% compatible. I don't know what, specifically, makes the 92/+/v200 series incompatible, but memory could be an issue for large programs.

Reply to this comment    29 July 2009, 03:02 GMT

Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
nyall Account Info
(Web Page)

The built in clock timers have different frequencies between hardware versions.

The new hardware is faster: a game that pushes the edges might perform fine on one calc but not on another. For example if it runs at 30 frames/second on one calc, it could degenerate to 15 frames/second on another depending on how it syncs with frame refreshes.

TI does not provide the new version of the operating system for old HW. There are new APIs and tibasic commands on the new operating systems that a program might use. Which means it won't operate on older calculators.

Reply to this comment    29 July 2009, 05:12 GMT

Re: Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Travis Evans  Account Info

Okay, so I get the impression that ASM programs may need to stay separated. What about BASIC programs? Are they more or less the same across 92+/V200? If they are, then what we could probably do is leave the ASM directories separate and link the BASIC directories together (much like how the 83plus/basic/games/misc/gametools and 83plus/basic/programs/gametools directories are--they are actually just the same directory available in two places).

Reply to this comment    29 July 2009, 09:28 GMT

Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Anthony Li Account Info

well i have a voyage 200 as well as others but even if they are similiar there are differences that cause the pprograms not to work. I for one have made programs but havent bothered to release them on ti calc
but there should be a problem with a few not the majority

Reply to this comment    30 July 2009, 12:59 GMT

Re: Should the TI-92 Plus and Voyage 200 sections of the file archive be combined into a single section?
Stefan Bauwens  Account Info

Well, i think that some programs that are for the voyage 200 would not work for the ti 92 plus because of the memory. But i'm never had a voyage 200 only a ti 92 plus

Reply to this comment    2 August 2009, 11:11 GMT

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