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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Choice Votes   Percent
3-02 National Reading Day (US) 2 1.6%   
3-05 World Maths Day 2 1.6%   
3-07 Teacher's Day (Albania) 1 0.8%   
3-08 International Women's Day 2 1.6%   
3-14 Pi Day 69 56.6%   
3-15 Idus Martiae 3 2.5%   
3-17 Saint Patrick's Day 12 9.8%   
3-21 Vernal Eqinox 7 5.7%   
3-23 Easter 24 19.7%   

Survey posted 2008-03-12 21:00 by Astrid.

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Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Chris Hendry  Account Info
(Web Page)

All praise be to Pi and pie of course

Reply to this comment    13 March 2008, 16:33 GMT

Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
mariomaniac84 Account Info

I agree with pie being amazing...but can someone tell me why we're celebrating pi? Sorry if I'm naive, but I'm only in Geometry right now. :)

Reply to this comment    15 March 2008, 01:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Rick Skrbina Rick Skrbna  Account Info

the date is 3/14/08. Pi is a number that relates to the circumference and areas of circles, and it happens to approximate to 3.14159.

Reply to this comment    15 March 2008, 03:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
mariomaniac84 Account Info

Oh, OK. yeah, I had a pretty decent idea what it was, and I picked up on the date\3.14 thing, but do we care just to have a reason to eat pie? And why don't we celebrate (ex.) the acceleration of gravity on September 8th?

Reply to this comment    15 March 2008, 04:17 GMT

Astrid Smith Account Info
(Web Page)

That's actually a good idea.

Reply to this comment    15 March 2008, 21:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

We could celebrate by dropping things off buildings. :)

Reply to this comment    16 March 2008, 21:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Aaron Miller  Account Info

This sounds like fun! Let's start with eggs. :)

Reply to this comment    17 March 2008, 22:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
mariomaniac84 Account Info

I'm game...it looks like we got something going here- After eggs, water balloons!

Reply to this comment    18 March 2008, 02:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
lifeiscalc Account Info

I just threw my misbehaving printer out my third floor window. It made a really nice crashing sound and pieces went everywhere. It was the most satisfying thing I have done in a long time... :)

Reply to this comment    19 March 2008, 04:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

drop an atom bomb

Reply to this comment    28 August 2009, 23:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
nicklaszlo Account Info
(Web Page)

Acceleration due to gravity is dependent on the units used. It only applies near earth. It is measured, while Pi is calculated. Essentially, gravity is physics while Pi is math. e day would be nice, except February doesn't have a 71st day.

Reply to this comment    6 April 2008, 06:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
mdsb  Account Info
(Web Page)

Celebrating e could be on the 271st day of the year which would be Sept 28 on normal years and Sept 27 on leap years. And if the 314th day of the year was for Pi, it would be Dec 7 on normal years and Dec 6 on leap years.

I might have calculated these dates wrong.

Reply to this comment    7 May 2008, 00:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

wahoo Feb 71st!

Reply to this comment    28 August 2009, 23:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

wahoo Feb 71st!
"thats gonna be a l how much would there be in the other months ong year"

Reply to this comment    28 August 2009, 23:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

"all hail typood"

Reply to this comment    28 August 2009, 23:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
jamese13 Account Info

If you take a look around,you most definately will find something not straight in manner (i.e. curved). With 6 years under my belt studying physics, I can tell you that in order to do any physics with a curved object, you need the shape of an object in space, and pi is a number that makes it all work out. Without it, physics with curved object would be impossible.

Reply to this comment    16 March 2008, 12:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
mariomaniac84 Account Info

Alright, that makes sense. I suppose since I'm interested in engineering, it sounds like it might come in handy. Thanks for the info!

Reply to this comment    16 March 2008, 18:51 GMT

Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
kevin83  Account Info

Pi day, obviously. Oh, and this was posted at exactly 1:59 PM in EST on Pi day. Hooray Pi and Pie!

Reply to this comment    14 March 2008, 17:53 GMT

Re: Favorite holiday in March 2008?
Rick Skrbina Rick Skrbna  Account Info

im glad to see that more people are voting for Easter! I dont consider Pi day as a real holiday.

Reply to this comment    15 March 2008, 03:08 GMT

j-z-d Account Info

Pi day is a holiday! ish. Praise be to Pi.

Reply to this comment    15 March 2008, 13:20 GMT

Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
mariomaniac84 Account Info

Go Easter, praise be to Jesus Christ!

Reply to this comment    16 March 2008, 05:08 GMT

Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
Rick Skrbina Rick Skrbna  Account Info

Thats what I like to Here!

Reply to this comment    16 March 2008, 17:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
j-z-d Account Info
(Web Page)

Praise be to Jesus AAAANNNNNDDDD Pi.

Reply to this comment    17 March 2008, 21:47 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
mariomaniac84 Account Info

No one can serve two masters! (Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13)

Reply to this comment    18 March 2008, 02:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
Rick Skrbina Rick Skrbna  Account Info

This is true!

Reply to this comment    18 March 2008, 19:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
mdsb  Account Info
(Web Page)

Giving praise to anyone/anything I think God would allow as long as highest praise is to Him.

Reply to this comment    7 May 2008, 00:38 GMT

Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
Kevin Kofler Account Info
(Web Page)

You mean Easter isn't about the bunny? :-)

Reply to this comment    21 March 2008, 07:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
mariomaniac84 Account Info

lol! I guess He doesn't mind if we celebrate w/some chocolate and stuff...as long as we remember why we're really celebrating!

Reply to this comment    22 March 2008, 07:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
Kevin Kofler Account Info
(Web Page)

He? The bunny? ^^

Reply to this comment    22 March 2008, 16:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
mariomaniac84 Account Info

Riiiiight. Yeah, I'm sure the bunny doesn't mind!

Reply to this comment    24 March 2008, 02:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

"i think it would mind because we turn its cildren to choclate and eat them... or stuff them with jelly beans or money o r anything that will fit and scatter them for our enjoyment

Reply to this comment    28 August 2009, 23:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

horay more typood

Reply to this comment    28 August 2009, 23:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
mdsb  Account Info
(Web Page)

"He" I think refers to Jesus/God.

Reply to this comment    7 May 2008, 00:40 GMT

Re: Re: Whaaaaaaaaat????
Xeno_Cre8or Account Info

"they are both holidays and i happen to only prefer easter because i get a nice big chocolate bunny but i also like pi day because i love celebrating things just for the heck of it"

Reply to this comment    28 August 2009, 23:46 GMT

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