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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Choice Votes   Percent
Very. I need people like Nick and Steve to guide me. 258 63.9%   
I do not know: I just downloaded from the archives. 131 32.4%   
Never. I do not look at news items. 10 2.5%   
I have news turned off on my custom page. 5 1.2%   

Survey posted 2000-05-26 23:49 by Andy.

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Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
homer_palooza@hotmail.com  Account Info

It's amazing how the conversations on these forums get to topics like this.

On the topic of news articles: I read them but since all I've got is an 83+, they don't usually pertain to me. Then I goto the new file archive thingy and look for new ION games. I read the readme file, and if it looks good I download it.

On the topic of languanges and learning them: It all depends on how you learn them. Spanish in theory is easy to learn, but only if you have a good teacher. If you are plopped down in the middle of Central America and expected to pick it up "of the street," then it gets exceedingly more difficult, especially when most of the people in going to school said country are jerks. And, as my sister so elequently puts it, "The Spansih Armada was not destroyed in 1588 so that I would have to learn spanish."

Well, thats my two cents. Chatting in TI forums is kinda like having friends, isn't it? (I refer you to the part of my message about people in said Latin American country being jerks.)


Reply to this comment    29 May 2000, 01:51 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Sebastian Reichelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

> ...most of the people in going to school said country...

Better learn your own language first! I was able to do the same thing, so you can do it, too. ;-)

BTW: How do you get to such generalizations, like all people in one country being jerks? I don't think that's true for any country. Although the culture might differ from yours, still all of them are people like you. They might live in other circumstances, but that doesn't mean their souls are different.

Reply to this comment    29 May 2000, 02:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
homer_palooza@hotmail.com  Account Info

I did not say that everyone was a jerk, I said that everyone in my school was a jerk. I have met plenty of decent people here, but due to certain circumstances, most people that go to my school are snobby jerks who think that they can bribe their way through high school. For the most part they can because the administration here is for the most part corrupt and bribable. There is an on going attempt by the employies of the United States Embassy to bring down this administration, but it has been for the most part unsuccessful. The people refered to as jerks are not very culturally different from me, because with todays technology American culture is only a click away.

As to the comment about my grammer, "said country" is a perfectly legitimate expression. It refers to the object already talked about, in this case a country in Latin America.

Reply to this comment    29 May 2000, 02:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
meekzer0  Account Info
(Web Page)

He's talking about the "most of the people in going to ..." part. It should be 'most of the people going to...' or preferably (for clarity) 'most of the people that go to...". Not that it matters that much.


Reply to this comment    29 May 2000, 02:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
homer_palooza@hotmail.com  Account Info

The "in" in "in going to" was a typo. Please forgive me for brutalizing the english language.

Reply to this comment    29 May 2000, 04:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
meekzer0  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think he's just kidding.. I realized it was a typo, anyway. But i'm just letting you know what he's getting at.


Reply to this comment    29 May 2000, 21:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Sebastian Reichelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

Just to clear this one up:

> especially when most of the people in going to school said country are jerks

1. I think the 'in' belongs between 'school' and 'said'.

2. By saying that most of the people going to school there are jerks, you don't really imply that it is just your school you are complaining about. Obviously I don't know about the school YOU were going to, but this sounds like an inappropriate generalization.

Reply to this comment    30 May 2000, 19:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
homer_palooza@hotmail.com  Account Info

That's exactly where the "in" belongs.

Nothing I can say could show just how awful this school really is. Trust me on that one.

Reply to this comment    30 May 2000, 22:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Sebastian Reichelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yep, I trust you.

BTW: I was just kidding, you know.

Reply to this comment    31 May 2000, 23:58 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
luke195rs  Account Info

Not enough possible responces. It just goes from one extreme to the other. Where is SOMETIMES?

Reply to this comment    29 May 2000, 06:43 GMT

Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
JOrGE  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, the choices are too limited. Why did you leave them out like that? Someone needs to be fired for this mistake.

Reply to this comment    2 June 2000, 07:09 GMT

Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
George Limpert  Account Info

Don't you think you're overreacting? It's just a website and people do make mistakes or forget something. If you've ever worked on a major site then you might understand that better. Nobody deserves to be fired for such a small and insignificant mistake.

Reply to this comment    2 June 2000, 09:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?
Tony Zima  Account Info

I think he was joking

Reply to this comment    3 June 2000, 05:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How much do news items influence your downloading of a file?

You know, speaking of joking, it seems to me that the poll options are also jokes...

Reply to this comment    3 June 2000, 23:47 GMT
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