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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
Choice Votes   Percent
In the morning 6 5.6%   
During the afternoon 22 20.4%   
Sometime during the evening 8 7.4%   
At night 11 10.2%   
I don't have a preference 61 56.5%   

Survey posted 2006-05-27 07:02 by Jon.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

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Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
Jonathan Katz  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm hoping at some point, someone will realize that I'm out of ideas :P

Reply to this comment    27 May 2006, 20:32 GMT

Re: Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
Matthew Baron  Account Info

We figured that out about three questions ago!

Reply to this comment    27 May 2006, 20:37 GMT

Re: Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

I realized that as soon as I saw this survey. ;-) Maybe I'll try to come up with some ideas...

Reply to this comment    27 May 2006, 22:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
yellowPig Account Info

I posted an idea here a few surveys ago, but couldn't email it....

Reply to this comment    29 May 2006, 04:19 GMT

Re: Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
Alex M  Account Info
(Web Page)

Focus on News instead! Feature some more classic porgrams from the past, like you promised in 2004 (not you, the staff as a whole)!

Reply to this comment    28 May 2006, 00:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
Jonathan Katz  Account Info
(Web Page)

news@ticalc.org -- best way to accomplish your goals!

Reply to this comment    29 May 2006, 01:11 GMT

Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
calcguru13 Account Info

how about anytime of the day? in class, in the car, on the bus, in my room, at dinner, anytime i have im on the calc, or on TI-Graphlink or using Wordpad for ASM. I use it in the morning to finish my hw, in the afternoon in class, evening programming, and night i'm playing games :D

Reply to this comment    28 May 2006, 16:13 GMT

Re: Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
Scooblescott  Account Info

that's called, "i dont have a preference"

Reply to this comment    28 May 2006, 21:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What is your favorite time of day to use your TI calculator?
Someone Someone  Account Info

Hmm, I don't use my calc for games, but rather for learning to program. If I get good enough at z80 Asm I will hopefully program some games ^.^

Reply to this comment    2 June 2006, 22:04 GMT
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