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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Did you get fooled this year?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, that was a great joke! 36 21.7%   
No, but I thought it was still a great joke 45 27.1%   
No, I expected something like this 18 10.8%   
I didn't go to ticalc.org on April 1st, I have no idea what you're talking about 44 26.5%   
Did I miss something? 23 13.9%   

Survey posted 2006-04-02 20:41 by Jon.

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Re: Did you get fooled this year?
madmattd Account Info

You got me, I'll say that. My thought at first was that someone didn't pay the bill or something too, although my other thought was that the site was undergoing updates and needed to be taken off-line or something. I must confess that I know very little about web site inner workings.

Anyway, I probably wouldn't have even noticed since I doubt I would have checked the site yesterday except for the fact that I clicked on that link in my browser instead of the one I was trying to click.

Nice one guys!!

Reply to this comment    2 April 2006, 23:55 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Jiaqi Wu  Account Info

OOOOO, that was a joke? I thought the server was just down for a bit or something.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2006, 01:35 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Hanliweb Hanliweb  Account Info
(Web Page)

Seriously, fooled at first, then got suspicious when I found out that the same thing happened to detachedsolutions. Used the history links in my browser and poof, site comes up.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2006, 16:05 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
leofox Account Info
(Web Page)

Is there still a way to revisit the april fools page?

Reply to this comment    3 April 2006, 18:48 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
leofox Account Info
(Web Page)

sorry for asking, already found the site (click on webpage)

Reply to this comment    3 April 2006, 19:03 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

See the link that someone posted in one of the other news forums.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2006, 19:04 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Taricorp  Account Info
(Web Page)

Why isn't there a "That was a cruel joke" option? Just wondering.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2006, 22:59 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Humoeba Account Info

yeah, i really didn't get it. i thought the site was changed for good, and it didn't even occur to me it was a joke.

Reply to this comment    3 April 2006, 23:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Num Account Info

I was most displeased, even though it was a good joke. I already assumed the worst, and visited ticalcs.net in hope that they could spread light on the situation.

Reply to this comment    4 April 2006, 00:37 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
jesse frey  Account Info

it's April fools day! all jokes are harmless unless someone's killed or their stuff is permanently damaged.

Reply to this comment    4 April 2006, 16:08 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
anykey  Account Info
(Web Page)

Andy, I shall never forgive you for convincing me that it was real!!!
(well, I'll probably forget to hate you within the next minute)

Reply to this comment    4 April 2006, 03:09 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Kevin Kofler Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, I didn't really expect "something like this", but I expected there to be a joke, so I wasn't scared, and a quick whois confirmed my suspicion.

Reply to this comment    4 April 2006, 08:50 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Scooblescott  Account Info

it fooled me because i first saw it on the 31st

Reply to this comment    5 April 2006, 00:36 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Ryan Nazaretian  Account Info

Same here. I was sitting in a hotel lobby scouting robotics teams and decided to check out if they posted any new programs. I was scared for a minute, but I realized that it was March 31. Oh, if you are interested, I am in the FIRST competition, Team Fusion #364.

Reply to this comment    7 April 2006, 00:07 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Peter Fernandes  Account Info
(Web Page)

I must commend whoever designed the trick page. It looked very realistic, with the obvious exception of the link urls.

Reply to this comment    5 April 2006, 18:54 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
lifeiscalc Account Info

Yes the page was very professional, but the HP calculator at the bottom just made me mad.

Reply to this comment    5 April 2006, 21:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
CajunLuke  Account Info
(Web Page)

That's its purpose: to madden the rabid TIers among us.

Reply to this comment    6 April 2006, 00:10 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Nathan Ladwig  Account Info

It might of fooled me if I hadn't just gone to my Tiorg.com/account bookmark...

Reply to this comment    6 April 2006, 00:08 GMT

Re: Did you get fooled this year?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

I practically gave my brother a heart attack on April 1st--I put an Ubuntu Linux LiveCD into his computer and booted it up late at night, and let run overnight. I was rudely awoken the next morning at the crack of dawn by his shrieks when he couldn't find Windows! He was so ignorant to believe that I had actually INSTALLED Linux on his Windows machine :) 120d//!

Reply to this comment    6 April 2006, 05:39 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

This is especially funny when one considers that he is in high school, and should know better.

I kinda wish there was an "edit" button on our posts...that way, this kind of post would be unnecessary.

Reply to this comment    6 April 2006, 05:44 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
jesse frey  Account Info

I was thinking that it would be funny to rig a watter fountain so that the watter lowered until you shoved your face down to it then it would let loose at full power. of course this is very impractical and requires a fair amount of money so I did not attempt it.

Reply to this comment    6 April 2006, 07:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

A proximity sensor and a PIC could take care of control. The hard part would be having enough control of the water flow (not just on/off), and putting the valve in the right place in the water fountain. That would be a good joke, though.

Reply to this comment    6 April 2006, 21:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
Ryan Nazaretian  Account Info

On our robot transporter, I attached a water pump to a container and installed a button that says, "Do Not Touch," which of course makes everybody touch it. Right now I have it aimed at the face, but I'm probably going to move it to the crouch area and name it "Tinkle Trails." I have also been thinking of different names for it such as... Well, it would be inapropriate for this site except for "Horn." I've also been thinking about different liquids to put in such as invisible ink. I fool people all the time with it by saying, "Hey, push the button that says, 'Do Not Touch.'"

Reply to this comment    7 April 2006, 00:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Having a stand-alone version of that would be great...put 'em out in halls, and add a camera to take a picture right after the button's pressed.

Reply to this comment    7 April 2006, 16:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
jesse frey  Account Info

yah I know I could use a proximity sensor and a micro controler the problem is that it seems like alot of time and money for an april foools joke and I would have to hack someone elses watterfountain

Reply to this comment    7 April 2006, 05:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
jesse frey  Account Info

I think watter flow could be controlled with a flexible piece of tubing and a cam on a servo. it might be nice to have some sort of reservoir so it can give a big blast.

Reply to this comment    7 April 2006, 05:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, I was thinking about using the fountain's internal tank for the water supply. That would be the hard part, opening it up, finding which pipe should be replaced, and replacing it, since the electronics would be easy if you know what you're doing.

Reply to this comment    7 April 2006, 16:34 GMT

Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Lol, you should've overwritten his Windows installation. ;-) I bet he'd be happier later when he realized that it ran faster and didn't crash all the time.

Reply to this comment    6 April 2006, 21:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Did you get fooled this year?
lifeiscalc Account Info

In my opinion windows can't crash because it does not work to start with.

Reply to this comment    7 April 2006, 22:40 GMT

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