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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, I use it instead of a calendar 23 14.1%   
Yes, but only to keep a "To-Do" list (such as homework) 17 10.4%   
Yes, but only as a last resort 8 4.9%   
No, I have a PDA 24 14.7%   
No, I have a paper calendar 23 14.1%   
No, but I don't keep a planner 65 39.9%   
Other? 3 1.8%   

Survey posted 2006-02-23 21:51 by Jon.

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  Reply to this item

Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Kaaiman  Account Info

I use TI's Organizer TI-83 Plus app for all of my planning. The app could be better though, because it's not always easy and quick to use.

Maybe it could be a new Detached Solutions project to make an improved Organizer. Or just Calendar v2.0

Reply to this comment    23 February 2006, 22:52 GMT

Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
calcguru13 Account Info

NoteFolio and such are too much of a hassle for me to put all my hw in, when my friends can tell me faster. Plus, my skool requires 'agenda' or calendar books, and ALSO my teachers take away any calendar out in class thats made by TI- stupid HP marketing... *rants against HP :D*

Reply to this comment    23 February 2006, 23:14 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
calcguru13 Account Info

by the way i meant calculator, not calendar, just in a train of thought...

Reply to this comment    23 February 2006, 23:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Num Account Info
(Web Page)

No TI calculators in your school? Ouch, that's bad. Yet another situation where we need a good TI- preaching evangelist!

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 02:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
calcguru13 Account Info

we can have them, but use them only on math tests and grade sheets. :( Of course, my calc is taken away on an average of 5 times a day from me!

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 22:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
lifeiscalc Account Info

Disguise it. Paint it a diffetent color, and scratch off where it says TI-8x

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 23:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
calcguru13 Account Info

i have an 84+se, and changed the faceplate to black, but they always see through that... maybe i'll spray paint the entire thing...
any other ideas?

Reply to this comment    26 February 2006, 00:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Matt M Account Info

build a case for it and call it some other brand that they never heard of

Reply to this comment    26 February 2006, 19:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Use a homemade case and say you made the calc yourself, and it runs the 8[whatever] OS. They'll be so impressed that it shouldn't get taken away.

Reply to this comment    27 February 2006, 17:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
jesse frey  Account Info

stuff it in a HP case

Reply to this comment    27 February 2006, 04:37 GMT

Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
farengoth  Account Info

my school has an entire religion based around ti calculators, and if some teacher were to ban them, we would start a holy war against them

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 17:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
lifeiscalc Account Info

I only know about one person in my entire school who has a non TI calculator, but he also has a TI-83+

Reply to this comment    25 February 2006, 23:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Scooblescott  Account Info

I don't see what the big deal is, anyway. TI invents something to make life easier, but you still have to learn the old fashioned way. This isn't the 1800's. We have technology, so why not use a modern breakthrough (semi-recent)instead of having to work?

I guess adults (hah...im still young-14) want us to have as hard a time as they did.

Reply to this comment    26 February 2006, 17:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
jesse frey  Account Info

doing things whith out the calculator, like intigrals or derivatives, gives you a deeper understanging of how they work and sometimes you'r calc won't be able to do some things that are posible. also the people who program the calcs need to know how to do the calculations by hand so they can tell the calc to.

Reply to this comment    27 February 2006, 04:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Num Account Info
(Web Page)

>> and sometimes you'r calc won't be able to do some things that are posible

The greatest thing I think that TI could add to their calcs would be a flashapp for solving word problems.

Reply to this comment    27 February 2006, 16:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Um...try writing a program like that yourself and see why no one's done it yet.

Reply to this comment    27 February 2006, 17:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Snave2000  Account Info

Exactly. You need something called "artificial intelligence" for a calculator or computer to be able to solve word problems. Be happy for the moment that you are smarter than your calculator. Once a true AI is created... carbon-based lifeforms, look out!

Reply to this comment    27 February 2006, 23:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Num Account Info
(Web Page)

Carbon-based life forms are puny. Look at all the mistakes we make in life. All the forgotten assignments, worthless posts, needless insults/flames, nuclear warfare, Heck, I'm still surprised by the fact that humanity hasn't nuked itself off the face of the Earth!

Reply to this comment    28 February 2006, 23:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
farengoth  Account Info

i predict we allready have, and our world is just some data stored into a variable on an 89ti

Reply to this comment    1 March 2006, 21:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Nah, I bet it's a Windows machine. That would explain all the chaos.

Reply to this comment    2 March 2006, 00:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
Num Account Info
(Web Page)

(No offense to you religious people out there!)
Maybe God is a uber-hacker who enjoys manipulating the program to see what we do. It would explain a lot of things.
(/No offense to you religious people out there!)

Reply to this comment    3 March 2006, 01:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you use your calculator as a planner/organizer?
burntfuse  Account Info
(Web Page)

Exactly. If you never learn to do this stuff by hand, then you're completely dependent on your calc - if you ever have to go without one, you won't be able to do anything. I'm not saying that all math should be done without calcs, but it should be learned that way, then real problems can be solved *with* calcs.

Reply to this comment    27 February 2006, 17:39 GMT

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