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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Choice Votes   Percent
Everyday, maybe more than my calculator itself! 12 8.5%   
Everyday, but I still use my calculator more 3 2.1%   
I use it pretty often, mainly to test out my programs 38 26.8%   
Every now and then, maybe to try a program before I send it to my calculator 27 19.0%   
I have one, but I rarely use it 29 20.4%   
I don't have any calculator emulators 29 20.4%   
There are TI calculator emulators? 0 0.0%   
What's an emulator? 4 2.8%   

Survey posted 2005-08-09 02:28 by Jon.

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  Reply to this item

Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Lewk Of Serthic  Account Info
(Web Page)

Every now and then.

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 04:21 GMT

Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Gergely Patai  Account Info
(Web Page)

Quite often, since I'm writing one myself. ;)

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 06:26 GMT

Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Peter Fernandes  Account Info
(Web Page)

Virtual TI baby! How else could I write my incredible C programs? ;)

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 13:43 GMT

Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Patrick Stetter  Account Info
(Web Page)

Tilem every day! The debugger makes testing and fixing bugs a snap...or at least a lot easier than trying to figure out why it crashed!

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 17:10 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Snave2000  Account Info

<Thunderous applause>

TilEm rocks all!!!

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 17:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
tdavis07  Account Info

go TILem!!!

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 18:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
frenchman113 Account Info
(Web Page)

TilEm is slow... Go VTi!

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 18:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Snave2000  Account Info

I beg to differ. In any case, I've never gotten VTi to work properly anyway (at least v3.0; v2.5 works, but it's not to my liking)

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 20:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
frenchman113 Account Info
(Web Page)

Correction:GTK is slow, therefore TilEm is slow

Reply to this comment    11 August 2005, 00:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Snave2000  Account Info

Slow how? I haven't had any issues. Put it this way: if I can play games on the emulator and the games run at a normal speed, then I consider that just fine. I was just using the VTi for the 68k calcs and trying to play Phoenix...The game ran WAY too fast! I've had a similar experience on VTi for Z80 calcs.

Reply to this comment    11 August 2005, 15:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

Did you have speed throttling enabled? That *should* help, but one can never be too sure about possible obsure bugs.

Reply to this comment    11 August 2005, 18:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Snave2000  Account Info

You mean restricting the emulator to actual speed? Yes, I did, and it worked just fine for all operations besides running ASM games. The ASM stuff runs way too fast for some reason.

Reply to this comment    11 August 2005, 20:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

Very odd indeed.

Reply to this comment    15 August 2005, 02:41 GMT

Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
CajunLuke  Account Info
(Web Page)

How about this option: "I have several, but none of them work on my computer, despite efforts to the contrary."?

I can't get GTK+ to install on my Mac, even using Fink.

Reply to this comment    9 August 2005, 21:58 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
redsoxfan Account Info

Yeah, I've tried VTI but I can't get it to work.

Reply to this comment    10 August 2005, 00:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Alex Clink  Account Info

i also tried to download an emulator for my mac that used fink but I couldn't get that to work

Reply to this comment    10 August 2005, 02:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
CajunLuke  Account Info
(Web Page)

You need GTK+ for any Mac-possible emulator; both TIEmu and TiLem require it. Like I said: it no work.

Reply to this comment    10 August 2005, 02:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
CajunLuke  Account Info
(Web Page)

that's easily solved: VTI is innately Windows-open

Reply to this comment    10 August 2005, 02:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
CajunLuke  Account Info
(Web Page)

sorry: Windows-only. oops

Reply to this comment    10 August 2005, 02:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
redsoxfan Account Info

I know, I was using Windows. Maybe it was because it was Windows 95...

Reply to this comment    10 August 2005, 13:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you use a TI calculator emulator?
Snave2000  Account Info

Yeah...a distinct possiblility....

Reply to this comment    10 August 2005, 15:38 GMT

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