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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What do you look for when buying a calculator?
Choice Votes   Percent
Color and Physical Design 2 0.9%   
CPU Speed 7 3.1%   
Memory 11 4.9%   
Programming Capabilities 31 13.8%   
Mathematical Capabilities 35 15.6%   
All of the above! 136 60.7%   
Other 2 0.9%   

Survey posted 2004-11-02 04:54 by Jon.

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Re: What do you look for when buying a calculator?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm very glad that, with the exception of "all of the above", Math capabilities are looked for the most. After all, that's what a calculator is MEANT to be used for. Although, I bet most of the "all of the above'ers" would be more inclined to chose programming than math because the memory, speed, etc. is more useful for that...oh well. BTW, it's not that I don't LOVE playing games on my calc, it's just that, If I were to shop for something mainly for playing games, I would look for a gameboy or something. Not a calculator.

Reply to this comment    9 November 2004, 17:13 GMT

Re: Re: What do you look for when buying a calculator?
anykey  Account Info

Games keep me from dying of boredom.

Reply to this comment    10 November 2004, 02:40 GMT
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