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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Choice Votes   Percent
Every week 20 3.6%   
Every two weeks 45 8.2%   
Every month 108 19.6%   
Every other month 171 31.1%   
Twice a year 106 19.3%   
Yearly 35 6.4%   
I don't remember the last time I changed my batteries. 65 11.8%   

Survey posted 1999-12-21 05:52 by Andy.

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Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
I a  Account Info
(Web Page)

There's a big gap between every other month (6 times/year) and twice a year (2 times/year)

Reply to this comment    21 December 1999, 06:10 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Bryan Rabeler  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, but what about people that change their batteries every other day? :)

Reply to this comment    21 December 1999, 07:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
(Web Page)

they need to get a life...

Reply to this comment    21 December 1999, 09:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Tom Walker  Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 02:16 GMT

Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
James abba shalaka Rubingh  Account Info
(Web Page)

A "life" ? interesting. you have obviously solved the age old question about "the meaning of life". You've gone one step further and even figured out the definition of "life". According to you, the physical aspect of living isn't a "life", well please, share! what is this "life" that you live and try to impose on others? What is this "life" that gives you the arrogance to mock other people?

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 09:35 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Patrick Wilson  Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 16:10 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Michael Pilcher Account Info

What on earth does that have to do with anything?

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 21:32 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
AgntM13  Account Info

I think you are the one that needs to get a life.

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 00:20 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?

A life?
Get a life?
You can buy a life?
There is a store for lives?
Where is it?
I need one.

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 03:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Rgb9000  Account Info

Oh yeah, I have heard of this wonderful material called "SCRATCH" of which many good things come from. ("Made from scratch") What is it and where can I get some? Why does it make pastrys taste better?

Ronnie B

Reply to this comment    28 December 1999, 22:07 GMT

ikecam  Account Info

Several points:

1. "Get a life" is an idiomatic expression. You don't have to nitpick at the literal meaning to see what he means.

2. The meaning of life has absolutely nothing to do with what he said.

3. Despite your distain for his mockery of people who change their calculator batteries too much, your entire post was devoted to mocking him.

Reply to this comment    25 December 1999, 04:59 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Gatorball7  Account Info

Everyone just shutup about getting a life because none of you have one. All you are doing is trying to examan what a life is instead of enjoying. Why don't you get out of your bomb shell and enjoy the outdoors or atleast the room away from your computer or calculator

Reply to this comment    25 December 1999, 06:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
usaar33  Account Info

you're being a hypocrite.............
unless of course you're sitting in a tree with a lap-top...
then of course..you don't have a life!

Reply to this comment    25 December 1999, 07:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Fishexe  Account Info
(Web Page)

I resent that! Sitting in a tree with a laptop does not preclude having a life!

I used to do my homework in a treehouse, because it was nice to hear the little birdies chirping and fell the sunshine and now, I do all my homework on the computer and only own a desktop. I would certainly have more of a life if I were out sitting in a tree typing most of the time, except now that it's winter (here at least)

Just remember, life-havingness is relative. Most of the people who consider themselves to have a life and me not to spend all their time on things that are completely gratuitous, wheras I spend time pondering deep and meaningful questions--and not telling others they need to get a life. But I'm the average person who's told to get a life, because I write poetry and essays and am into all this tech stuff like ticalcs and Linux.

Reply to this comment    30 December 1999, 06:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
ikecam  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes, you seem so worldly, so artistic. I wish I could use Linux; then I would understand the "deep and meaningful" questions of the universe. Also, if I could write poetry, that would show how much more I know than anyone else. Wow, you are so cool...

Oh wait, no you're not. Get a life.

Reply to this comment    30 December 1999, 23:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Lukas Muellner  Account Info

they need to get a life...

Reply to this comment    26 December 1999, 20:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Blue_Z  Account Info
(Web Page)

I change my batteries twice a day. What is that "life" you're talking about ?

Reply to this comment    28 December 1999, 14:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
ikecam  Account Info

Those are the idiots who reuse their non-rechargable batteries. :-)

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 05:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
tiprym  Account Info
(Web Page)

First off, anyone who has to change batteries any sooner than 3-4 months after the last change officially sucks. As much as I like turboing of the TI's, don't mess with capacitance less than .0001 picofarads. you're going too far.

Second, you must have absolutely no life. I've had a TI-92+ for a whole year and I bought it used. As far as I know, the batteries have only been changed once.


Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 18:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
xX_ZoMBiE_Xx  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think thats going a little too far... People don't suck if they play calculator games all day.

And what about people with two calcs or more? they might have to change them more often.

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 19:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
karma Account Info
(Web Page)

Here it is again... people that own several calculators.

I've often wondered why someone would want to own more than 1 calculator. If it would be for calculating, you would only buy the one that has the best performance (and keep some non-graphical one laying around somewhere in case you have exams where the 8x and 92 calculators are not allowed), so calculating is not an option.

The only other option (I think) is gaming. I think that this reason is actually plain stupid, since you could as well get a game boy then. And if you really want to program yourself, you keep one calculator.

For me, the main reason to own a TI-82 is that it is a calculator with great functions. Being able to play assembly games on it, and being able to program for it, is a cute little extra that I happen to enjoy :)

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 20:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Brian Cornell
(Web Page)

People can own more than one calculator for many reasons. First, some tests do not allow advanced calculators such as the TI-89 and TI-92 but allow graphing calculators like the TI-82 through TI-86, yet we still want the advanced features of the better calculator. A second reason (and the reason that I have two) is that not all of the calculators were always available. I got a TI-82 years ago, and just about a year and a quarter ago I got a TI-89 because it was just released and better suited my needs.

Also, for every game that is made, somebody had to program it. Programming for TI calculators can provide someone with great experience and make them more ready to program for other devices including computers.

So I say if you have more than one calculator, more power to you!

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 01:12 GMT

Multiple calcs
The_Professor  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think the main reason is to get features on a new calc that aren't on the one you have. Like getting the TI-89 when you have a different calc. I would have got an 89 but I didn't know about it until after I got my 86. Another good thing with owning two calcs (that is not a good reason for getting 2 calcs, only something that is a good thing to do) is get more games: Have each calc have different games, no duplicates, so you can play more games. A good reason for owning two of the same model of calc (like 2 TI-86s) is so that in case of a crash or the calc being reset, you can just replace all your programms at school. If I had tons of money to waste I would get at least 2 of every calc.

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 03:18 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Reno  Account Info

I have both an 86 and an 89 because, well, I can use it on tests where I can't use the 89...

also, I've figured I'd try to learn 86 asm just for the hell of it; I was going to sell it but I need an 86 to test my crash-prone test programs on :P

besides, the 86 also has more games than the 89, and that's always a nice plus :P

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 06:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
rgetso Account Info

When I was in school none of the math teachers knew anything about computers much less about calculators. I feel students deserve better than that. I own and use the following: TI-82, -83, -85, -86, -89, -92 and the HP48G. When a student comes by with a question about calculator xx either I can answer the question or we can figure it out together. My favorite is the TI-89. Hopefully this is an acceptable reason to own several calcs.

By the way, if one uses multiple calcs, then shouldn't the batteries last longer in each since all the calcs are not used as often (unless there are those that play multiplayer link games...alone)?

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 17:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
xX_ZoMBiE_Xx  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't use batterys for a single thing because I spent all of my money on a 92 and cant afford lots of batterys. i use mu cd player batts in my 92 and gameboy bats in 83 so they are worn out quicker.

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 22:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Philip Ringsmuth  Account Info
(Web Page)

I have the problem of some things using AA and others using AAA. I have a digital camera that devours AA batteries, and a GameBoy Color, but I don't use that too much.
Then there's my 83 & 89, who's batteries seem to last forever. Oh yeah, my GameBoy Printer, too. But I never use that. It takes AAs. But then there's those new GameBoy paks with a rumble pak built in, which require one AAA. Life is confusing.


Reply to this comment    26 December 1999, 22:53 GMT

Re:^34 This has gone way too far! Why don't we just start a new reply?? (34 replys :] )
Ben Oman
(Web Page)

Iknow how you feel. I have a ton of things that use different types of batteries: My TI-86 uses AAA, my watch uses those $12.00 batteries, my palm IIIx uses AAA, the speakers for my computer use C, My laser pointer uses AA, ohhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! I think that everything should run on 1 battery. The 9 volt should be the 1 and only battery, because there are always resisters, and one can lower the amount of voltage passing through the wires using them.


Reply to this comment    30 December 1999, 22:59 GMT

Re: Re:^34 This has gone way too far! Why don't we just start a new reply?? (34 replys :] )
natefanaro  Account Info
(Web Page)

As for 9 volt batteries ruling the world. Would you really like a 9 volt battery for your laser pointer? The thing would be huge! Oh, one more thing, do you own a watch?


Reply to this comment    31 December 1999, 19:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re:^34 This has gone way too far! Why don't we just start a new reply?? (34 replys :] )
Ben Oman
(Web Page)

Yes, you are right....Maybe...What if they made them smaller? Then they would be perfect.


Reply to this comment    1 January 2000, 05:47 GMT

Definitely legit
Fishexe  Account Info
(Web Page)

People always come to me first when they have questions. Which sucks, because I don't know exactly how to use an 83+. I can figure out, but there are little differences between, say, how the memory screen works on the 83+ and the 83. And running programs on an 82, I know that most everything is the same, but there are a few syntaxes which differ between 82 and 83. Unfortunately I don't know exactly which they are.

Almost anything you ask me about an 83, I'm your man (except details of how to ASM program for it) But if I owned the others I'd be far more help. Kind of like when somebody at school asks me a windows question and I say "I don't know, I don't do windows". Now if I owned more calcs I could sure as heck be more helpful.

With multiple calcs, maybe you're using the same batteries just pulling out of one--putting in another. If you don't have any programs, this would work, or else put a massive strain on your backup battery which would have to be changed often. So it's a dumb idea, just a possibility for how more calcs could equal shorter battery life, tho' I doubt anybody would do this.

Reply to this comment    30 December 1999, 06:36 GMT

Re: Definitely legit
stealth  Account Info

I own an 85, 89, and a 92+. I feel most all of Texas Instruments graphing calculators are the same. They all have a memory screen, etc. They all operate the same way in most as well. However, I can safely answer most questions for any graphing calculator from TI. For awhile, people would lend me their calculators for a day or two, so that I could take it home and put some games and programs for school on it. While I had it, I'd mess around and play with it. I think out of all the calculators, the 83 is the most difficult (I haven't messed with an 83+ yet). I don't know why I say that, I think its because I don't like the way the menus are setup, using the number pad to select options, I'm use to the F1-F5 keys for that. But anyways, about batteries. My 85 eats up batteries alot faster than my 89, I haven't had to change batteries on my 92+ yet.

Reply to this comment    30 December 1999, 14:53 GMT

How about, no
xX_ZoMBiE_Xx  Account Info
(Web Page)

About that GO GET A GAMEBOY that everyone keeps saying, why? I mean think about it. If all you care about is games then I say thats your choice.
-A gameboy costs rughly $69.99 when I bought my TI-92 for $72.95!
-You pay at least $30.00 for games on gameboy and calculator games are free.
-You can program your own games
-you can *Choke* do MATH *choke* on the calculator.
-Teachers take gameboys
-Teachers don't know the difference between a ti-89 and an 83 when you play games instead of work

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 22:48 GMT

Re: How about, no
usaar33  Account Info

where'd you get a 92 that cheap? My ti-86 cost $100..

Reply to this comment    26 December 1999, 00:15 GMT

Re: How about, no
David Phillips  Account Info
(Web Page)

You can program your own games on the gameboy as well :)

Reply to this comment    28 December 1999, 04:59 GMT

Re: How about, no
Ben Oman
(Web Page)

And teachers won't take away 92s? They are bigger then gameboys, and gamegears!! I'd like to see anybody play a game on a 92 under their desk without getting caught. + how can you do math on a 92? It is so hard to add 1 + 1 that it is unbelieveable!! There are like 5 different + buttions, and 60 million 1 buttons, and like 3 different equal signs. I think that you have a better chance at winning the lottery, then getting the right answer out of that 92. No wonder teachers don't allow 92s. They probably do more bad for the students, then good.

I'm not saying the 92 is stuped becaue it is not. It is actually very powerful, but there are a few things that can be changed on it. What in the world does this have to do with changing batteries???

--Ben Oman

Reply to this comment    30 December 1999, 23:10 GMT

Re: Re: How about, no
Frank A. Nothaft  Account Info

I have played a game on my Ti-92 Plus when I was sitting in the front row. In the same class, there were people who got their Ti-83 Pluses taken away (sitting further back too). It is just the art of not being conspicious. Also, the Ti-92 Plus is horizontal and hides better under a desk. It also is easy enough to use.

Reply to this comment    9 October 2002, 23:17 GMT

It might actualy be needed.
SmartGamer  Account Info

There is some logic in having more than one calculator- they ALL have differing capabilities:

86- Fast graphing, built in ASM, link port, computer software, slow BASIC excecution
92- 3D graphing quickly, used to support ASM, then an "improvement" shot it down
83- Turbo basic capability, slow graphing, small screen, a glich that runs ASM (but not too terribly well)

86 is a balanced calculator except for the slow BASIC.
92 is a super grapher, and good for programming- and then TI went and broke the ASM compatibilities with this new math system
83 is somewhat disadvantaged, but for complex programs that take a while, that's the only way to finish it in an hour. Plus, it's cheap.

So, there's some logic in having extra calculators.


Reply to this comment    31 December 1999, 19:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Matthew Hernandez  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think you fail to see all the possibilities that a calculator offers. First off, it is used for math, and being in an advanced placement (AP) class, my calc is on the entire bell (1 hour 30 minutes). Then, because I program in BASIC, I create a ton-load of simple math program to help those wo are taking Algebra for the third time. Then, I have a graphlink and access to, well, every game made for the calc (83/83+). I offer people programs at 25 cents every upload. Seeing how there are 2000+ people in my school, there are many people wo want games so during lunch, my calc sits on the table while people come and go uploading their programs and leaving their quarter. So, thats another 45 minutes of it staying constantly on. Then, every Wednesday, I am in the "Athletes who can Teach" program and tutor people with their math. That is another 45 minutes. Then, after school for my math homework, my calc is on for another 30 minutes. I must admit that that isn't every day, more commonly every other day, but still that is a lot of time that my calc(s) stay on. Totals:

1) 1 hour 30 minutes math class
2) 45 minutes lunch hour
3) 1 hour or so spent on programming (every other day)
4) 45 minutes for afterschool tutoring
5) 30 minutes for homework

With all that considered, my calc is on quite a bit.

Before you judge, which is precisely what you did, look at the facts and what goes on. I have a "life"--termed in this popular thread.

Matt H.

Reply to this comment    25 December 1999, 23:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
meingts Account Info

The only type of battery that I can think of that needs to be changed every two days is the Rayovac rechargeable that used to come with the TI-8x's and 9x's. They wear down real fast and need recharging.

Oh, and just to be silly, does the survey question refer to the lithium battery or the AA/AAA batteries? :P

Reply to this comment    28 December 1999, 05:45 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Luke Sneeringer
(Web Page)

Personally, I must change my batteries on my TI-86 and my TI-89 very frequently because I often loan them to other classmates to play games on, and they sometimes leave the batts on (or, even more humorous, the teacher takes the calc up and cannot figure out how to turn it off...that's happened several times). This causes them to have to be changed frequently. The annoying times are when a friend leaves the TI-89 on in the middle of an ASM game, because several ASM games override the APD features of the TI-89.

As far as the TI-86, I'm giving 5 bucks to the first person who can beat Penguins--I'm the only one that has managed. =) Course, that trusty 86 has been taken up like 35 times now...

Our local grocery store (H-E-B) has AA and AAA batteries from Energizer (10-pack) on sale for $0.37, and you KNOW I'm stocking up. =)

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 03:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Cullen Sauls  Account Info
(Web Page)

$5 for beating penguins? I can do that. Took me a while to figure out how, but the game is pretty easy now :)

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 10:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?

Who cares about Penguins? 37 cents for batteries! :D

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 04:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Matthew Hernandez  Account Info
(Web Page)

I must agree! 37 cents for 10 Energizer batteries is pretty hard to believe! I mean, I have seen sales, but that is giving them away! The cheapest I have ever seen batteries is 8 for $1.25...but then again, those were some cheap one that last 3 minutes in you get a goo one!

Matt H.

P.S. Do you have any idea how much Lithium batteries are?!?!? I got a camera for Christmas (Advantix!) and it requires this outrageous battery that cost me 12 bucks! Ludicrous! And it's only the size of a regular AA but a little shorter and fatter!

Reply to this comment    26 December 1999, 21:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Matthew Hernandez  Account Info
(Web Page)

I must agree! 37 cents for 10 Energizer batteries is pretty hard to believe! I mean, I have seen sales, but that is giving them away! The cheapest I have ever seen batteries is 8 for $1.25...but then again, those were some cheap one that last 3 minutes in you get a goo one!

Matt H.

P.S. Do you have any idea how much Lithium batteries are?!?!? I got a camera for Christmas (Advantix!) and it requires this outrageous battery that cost me 12 bucks! Ludicrous! And it's only the size of a regular AA but a little shorter and fatter! It had better last a LONG time.

Reply to this comment    26 December 1999, 21:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
ikecam  Account Info

Penguins is easy. The levels are set in reverse difficulty level (hardest to easiest), so once you get past the first level, the rest is easy.

Reply to this comment    23 December 1999, 05:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Chris Remo  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've done it....
4 times total. Why four times? Because, of course, I'm stupid.

J/k (well, maybe not)...

I had that game on my 86 quite a long time ago, and killed myself trying to beat it the first time. I did, and to assure myself it wasn't luck, I did it again. My calc crashed and I didn't bother putting Penguins back on. About last month I put Penguins back on just to see if I could beat it again, and I did the same thing as before, thus resulting in 4 times. Tada!

Quite a long explanation for something I could have practically said in one or two sentences...

-chris remo

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 05:47 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Chris Perkins  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think we know what the thing means by every other month and twice a year.I put twice a year.Hey dont you work with me.Remember last year when it took a long time for us to change our bateries when we used 86's.Boy those were the good old days.Hey we at sychosoft need a good cgi proggrammer if anyone is intrested email me.

Reply to this comment    22 December 1999, 04:51 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
xX_ZoMBiE_Xx  Account Info
(Web Page)

HAHA thats cause you are first comment probably and noone else has voted!

Reply to this comment    24 December 1999, 23:13 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you change your batteries on your TI calculator?
Ben Porter  Account Info
(Web Page)

Your batteries are good for a long time!

Reply to this comment    2 January 2000, 01:10 GMT

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