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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Choice Votes   Percent
Catching cancer rays near some body of water 4 2.0%   
Swimming in the ocean 0 0.0%   
Swimming in a lake 2 1.0%   
Doing sports 9 4.4%   
Summer school 16 7.9%   
Playing video games 39 19.2%   
Camping 9 4.4%   
Travelling to a foreign country 6 3.0%   
Travelling within my own country 14 6.9%   
Working 60 29.6%   
Other activity 44 21.7%   

Survey posted 2003-07-25 23:43 by Henrik.

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  Reply to this item

Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
molybdenum  Account Info

umm, they missed river...
other than swimming in a river, I have been playing video games and sitting at home and eating

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 00:08 GMT

Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Halfmoon Account Info
(Web Page)

Hmm, let's see...
--Swim team
--Swimming in rivers, lakes, etc...
--Reading technology magazines and science fiction novels
--Playing guitar
--Programming in Visual Basic (I've given up on calculator programming for the meantime) and thinking to myself how advanced I am :)
--Hoping for someone to pay me to design their website for them so I can buy an awesome new guitar

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 23:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

My activites:
-Unsucessfully trying to get to sleep at night and then trying to sleep throughout the day
-Sitting in front of the computer 90% of the time that I'm awake

Reply to this comment    27 July 2003, 17:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Kylekatarn Account Info
(Web Page)

Look, another one like me!

Previous count:235546156168.
Now:235546156169 and growing.

Reply to this comment    3 August 2003, 14:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
burntfuse  Account Info

I play guitar too! (I'm a beginner, so you're probably a lot better than me. :) )

Reply to this comment    29 July 2003, 20:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
RCTParRoThEaD_ Account Info
(Web Page)

I'm a bassist that plays way too loudly so guitarists hate me. I'm also deaf.

Reply to this comment    30 July 2003, 00:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Halfmoon Account Info
(Web Page)

Deaf? Really?

Oh, to the other guitarist up there...
I'm kind of a beginner too :)

Reply to this comment    30 July 2003, 19:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
burntfuse  Account Info

Actually, I also play keyboard-been doing it for about 5 years. Like you previously said, a better guitar would be great. I'm stuck with a classical guitar now where half of the strings are nylon. :( What would be REALLY nice is an electric guitar, a good amp, and a distortion footpedal to give it a good sound. I am actually serious about learning guitar, not just doing it to look cool.

Reply to this comment    1 August 2003, 02:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
burntfuse  Account Info

Sorry people, I was half-asleep when I wrote that comment!! BTW, a friend lent me a really nice hollow-body electric. :) :) :)

Reply to this comment    17 September 2003, 23:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Benjamin Alan  Account Info

Yeah! Swim team! Summer swim team is a lot more fun than winter swimming. Right now is the few weeks of the year I don't swim, so I am a little bored. I went to a soccer camp for a week and now I just read all the time... and shoot a few hoops on occasion.

Reply to this comment    30 July 2003, 23:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
Halfmoon Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, summer swim team is great. Tomorrow is my last meet...

Reply to this comment    1 August 2003, 19:06 GMT

Re: How have you spent most of your summer so far?
burntfuse  Account Info

I voted "other"-meaning designing hardware and calculator software.

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 00:23 GMT

angelboy Account Info
(Web Page)

What happened to 'programming for TI calculator'?

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 03:21 GMT

Re: ~
Ryan Kearney  Account Info
(Web Page)

programing on you ti is for school when you have nothing else to do. i've been playing pc games all summer.

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 05:43 GMT

Re: Re: ~
jrock7286  Account Info

----programing on you ti is for school when you have nothing else to do

one word: WHAT?!?!?!

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 09:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ~
Matthew Marshall  Account Info

Adding my voice to yours....

Just about all I have been doing this summer is sitting in front of a computer screen and writing calc code!!! (I am also studying German on the side.) If you are wondering why I have yet to release anything, I have this policy of only releasing something worth downloading.

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 13:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
burntfuse  Account Info

EXACTLY!!! again: WHAT!!!!!!???????

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 15:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
RCTParRoThEaD_ Account Info
(Web Page)

Get a life. There is so much more in life than calc programming. I find it a shame that I just realized that. Go to a party, get drunk, get a girl, make friends, take up an instrument, start a band! God! I only use my calc for math now and playing games in summerschool.

Reply to this comment    27 July 2003, 21:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

OMG, your convos are disturbing.

Calcs are cool. I'll never hate my calc.

Reply to this comment    28 July 2003, 03:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
RCTParRoThEaD_ Account Info
(Web Page)

Thank you for that complement ab my convos.

Did you ever FIND your calc???

Reply to this comment    28 July 2003, 05:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

No :'(

Hey, I think I know who "Gothtor" is. ;-)

Reply to this comment    28 July 2003, 18:18 GMT

find out if you are you adicted to you Ti?
Kylekatarn Account Info
(Web Page)

Take the test to find out if you are adicted to the TI:


Have fun!

Reply to this comment    3 August 2003, 15:08 GMT

Re: find out if you are you adicted to you Ti?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Addiction has two d's ;-)

And I tried the link and it didn't work.

Reply to this comment    3 August 2003, 17:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
burntfuse  Account Info

What do you mean "get a life"? If we had lives, we wouldn't be real programmers. :)
Most of us probably sit in front of a computer ~60% of the time. Also, I think I'll pass up the "getting drunk" part.

Reply to this comment    31 July 2003, 02:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
jrock7286  Account Info

Horray for not drinking! Also, I think the "getting a girl" part is kinda useless even at my age (17) because I believe the point of dating (if that's what you meant) is to find some one you might later marry. The way you put it, you're making girls an object, a possession. How low can you stoop. Also, I do have a life (mostly in church) and can play 3 instruments. Currently I'm learning (don't laugh) Mandy Moore's Only Hope from Walk to Remember. The piano part for that song is so cool. About computer programming though...it is going to be my carreer, and I'm going to spend time learning to do it better because I DON'T want a job at McDonald's flipping burgers. I rest my case.

Reply to this comment    1 August 2003, 23:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

I agree fully with what you said and support you all the way.

Reply to this comment    2 August 2003, 03:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
Soth  Account Info
(Web Page)

Not drinking and not getting drunk are two different things. I drink and it is quite healthy really. I don't, however go out on the razzle, for that is just a waste of time and money. And, you can get that sort of 'high' just from being with good friends and having fun.

I also agree with the not committing to marriage at this age. Any relationships should be fun and not taken too seriously.

Reply to this comment    2 August 2003, 10:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
Soth  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hey, I'm a real programmer. Have just finished my first program for a 'parallel processor'. And I don't mean a processor that sits and talks to another one. All processes are done in parallel, not sequential form. Quite tricky to get all the timings right.

Oh, and incedently I do have a life. I am a member of two different sports clubs (treasurer for one, captain for t'other). Am currently building another antweight robot, and attend various ROCV (remotely operated combat vehicles - or something) events.
And, frequently go out places with my one friend. (Well I take him for walks each day....)

Reply to this comment    2 August 2003, 00:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ~
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

One Word: Agreed.

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 19:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ~
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

One Word: Agreed.
(With you, I mean)

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 19:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
JcN  Account Info

Since when does one program out of boredom in school?

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 20:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Programming isn't boring, if you have a good project to work on. But, I do program out of boredom, sometimes. I did that a lot in Biology.

Reply to this comment    26 July 2003, 20:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

He said since when does a person use programming to fight off boredom.

Reply to this comment    28 July 2003, 17:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ~
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah- that's kind of what I meant... when I'm bored in Bio class, I fight it off by programming. And playing Penguins (82). I played that game SO much during Biology. I downloaded it a while ago again and started playing it, and I thought I was in Biology class again. I got to level five on it! :) :) :) That has to be one of the hardest games out there.

Reply to this comment    29 July 2003, 16:16 GMT

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