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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes 38 29.9%   
No 66 52.0%   
No idea 23 18.1%   

Survey posted 2003-04-10 03:09 by Henrik.

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Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Jason Ho  Account Info
(Web Page)

Girls totally dig TI-89's. I just ask, "hey girl, have you played Alien Invasion?" and they're like, "....i have.....didnt you program that?!!" then we proceed to make out. I mean it works every time.

But thats not the point.

Who should be thinking about girls when we have our lovely TI-89's? One time, this hot girl touched my TI-89 i got so jealous i deleted Zelda. That'll teach my TI-89....

- Jason, a true TI pimp

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 09:55 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

YES!!!! You're my hero! So, if I write a popular game... I'll get to make out with chicks? It's that easy? Hell, I'm getting to programming right away!

I am the hot nerd with the pimping face. Booyah. :)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:44 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
lord_nightrose Account Info
(Web Page)

Pardon my language, but most girls I've met could give less than half a shit if you use a calculator. In fact, a lot of them will think you're incredibly strange for it, and stay away from you. In short, if you REALLY want to attract a girl, DITCH THE CALCULATOR, at least when you're with her.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 11:43 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Umm... Yup Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't get it...
I mean, "Hey! You've got a calculator! Here you go, you can have this (holding up dog feces)...Let me just cut it in half for you."

lol I'm in the school library now, and there's nothing to do but pretend to be insane

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 14:27 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Hollow_Existence  Account Info

well, c the trick is, to find someone on the top of her class. I actually found someone that thought the whole calculator scene was awesome, i mean, it is pretty rare but these things happen. All ya gotta do is find someone out there that doesn't understand calcs (most likely geo or english folk) and when they c it, they think it's cool. Anyways, there are some out there that dig it....

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 15:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I c that you don't like to spell "see" the normal way! :)

I need to find a hot female nerd who programs all the time. Anybody have any luck yet?

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:47 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

WHAT... THE... HECK????????

Well, then you shouldn't want those girls if they don't like calcs. *humph*

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Tavis Segura  Account Info

Another good point! If she isn't even remotely interested in the TI calcs, you already know she's not likely to be your match and would only be bored with a lot of other things you like. That's a good thing to know before you start thinking of a serious relationship. However, if you can impress her with anything you do with your calc, there's a chance. Just don't go too overboard...

"Hey, check out how far I can throw this TI-89 before it shatters!"

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 21:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

If I saw somebody do that, I would cry. (Especially if it was MINE)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
lord_nightrose Account Info
(Web Page)

I'd laugh. Hard.

Reply to this comment    12 April 2003, 09:21 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Tavis Segura  Account Info

Acually, sometimes the attraction isn't in the math aspects of the calc alone. Sometimes you can impress people with other things you can do with the calculators.

I used to draw a lot on the calc and actually made portraits on it. Rather impressive considering I was basically using the Pencil and Line tool (and a few self-written Basic programs). I still sometimes impress strangers with calculator drawings taken from photos.

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 21:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
lord_nightrose Account Info
(Web Page)

You see, that's something I've never seen someone do before: use the graphics capabilities of the calculator in ways people don't expect. That shows that you're creative.

However, for most of you guys (the teenagers), there's one problem you'll realize: Most girls your age are shallow, and usually tend to go for the athletes. They want a man for his looks. I'm lucky - I found one who likes geeks and has a great sense of humor. I've been with her for almost 5 years now. Almost every relationship the shallow girls got into in high school (that I know of) are broken up now.

Reply to this comment    12 April 2003, 09:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
nick s  Account Info

I consider myself a 'cool geek'
there's this attractive girl that I like in math class that doesn't do a lot of talking. But later, in GYM she tapped my shoulder an said "hi"
I'm gonna try to talk to her in private
Heck I'll ask her out

-Nicholas D. Sprenger-

Reply to this comment    2 May 2003, 00:06 GMT

Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

I selected no, but I might have chose otherwise. I get lots of popularity writing programs to do their algebra homework with, and even better, show them what their calculator can do without any special programs... one girl had a ti-86 in Algebra 1 and had no idea how to use the solver!

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 16:12 GMT

Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
chemoautotroph Account Info
(Web Page)

It really doesn't matter though, dating in high school is **really** stupid.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 17:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Charlemagne Account Info
(Web Page)

What makes you say that?

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 22:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
klaser javasin  Account Info

Because once you fuck em a few times, what else do you need them for? The odds are you'll never talk to any of the chicks you've fucked in highschool when you graduate.

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 23:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
RCTParRoThEaD_ Account Info
(Web Page)

well said...

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

That's rather degrading ;-)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

"Don't use language you wouldn't hear on U.S. network television."
"We often remove comments that stray from these guidelines. We do this [...] to keep replies on-topic."
Hmm, there's an interesting contradiction in terms. ;)
(Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V is such a nice invention.)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 16:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Doncha know :)

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
TheCalcGenius  Account Info

I could think of quite a few good reasons...ahem...ahem, Anson!

(Wouldn't you like to know? They'd like to know too....)

Reply to this comment    10 April 2003, 23:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
Charlemagne  Account Info
(Web Page)

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 22:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I never officially dated because choosing amongst 200 is WAY too hard... ;-)

But you can be close friends with a girl, which is pretty much dating. As I've said before, I'm friends with more girls than boys.... but never "went out"

Reply to this comment    11 April 2003, 01:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Does your calculator improve your chances with the women/men?
nick s  Account Info

I don't think so
Even if I'm not in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships with them. There are girls who like 'cool geeks'
Like this SOPHMORE that all of a sudden she sits at my friends and I's table and starts talking to us
a few weeks later she says "You guy are cool."

Reply to this comment    2 May 2003, 00:10 GMT

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