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Choice Votes   Percent
1993 or after 1 0.3%   
1992 0 0.0%   
1991 3 0.9%   
1990 4 1.1%   
1989 10 2.9%   
1988 39 11.2%   
1987 46 13.2%   
1986 59 16.9%   
1985 65 18.6%   
1984 39 11.2%   
1983 23 6.6%   
1982 20 5.7%   
1981 11 3.2%   
1980 9 2.6%   
1979 5 1.4%   
1978 3 0.9%   
1977 1 0.3%   
1976 4 1.1%   
1975 1 0.3%   
1974 0 0.0%   
1973 or before 6 1.7%   

Survey posted 2003-03-24 00:19 by Henrik.

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Re: When were you born?
lilyakka  Account Info
(Web Page)

1985, Im 17... started programming when I was 5 started with Basic and moved on (Pascal, VB, C, C++, Java ...ect ect). Hoping to learn Asm sometime soon. :p

Reply to this comment    25 March 2003, 02:37 GMT

Re: Re: When were you born?
JcN  Account Info

If you could learn all of those when you were five, I'm sure assembly will not be a challenge. What platform do you want to write assembly for (be careful, each calculator has its own dialect of assembly)?

Reply to this comment    25 March 2003, 05:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

The 83/83+ are really similar...
The 82 is the "better" version (says me) of the very odd 83/+ versions (wtf is b_call!?!?!?)
The 85 and 86 versions are similar (kind of) to the 83+ (yes, I got embarrassed by forgetting that they were earlier on in the article)
89/92+/v200 is nasty, so learn C instead (it's almost the same in speed, but the size is bulky) :)
92 is like the 89/92+, and it's all strange looking, but I hear it's actually easier than z80.
73 is still <unknown>
And If you find a way to use 80/81, then you must be disturbed. (make your own linkport, lol)

That's my... post :)

Reply to this comment    26 March 2003, 01:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
Rob van Wijk  Account Info

The 83 and 83+ aren't that similar. Anything that works on the 83- should not cause too much trouble porting to the 83+, but the other way around sometimes is difficult (or even impossible).
82 may be easier, but that's because the 83 (and definitly the 83+) have more (way more) possibilities. Programming for the 83(+) can be harder, but the result can be more powerfull.
B_call is just a way to easily use a great number of routines that are spread out over a number of pages. (Come to think of it, how did the 83- handle this???)
When you want to call an OS routine, use B_call, when you're calling a routine in your own program, use the Z80 instruction CALL.

If he finds a way to do assembly on the 80 or 81 he's a bloody genius. (Not that it'd do anybody any good or anything, but a genius nevertheless. ;))

Reply to this comment    26 March 2003, 13:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Err.. yeah, that's what I meant, 83 -> 83+

I just like the 82 more because it seems... I dunno... real? (for lack of a better word)

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 01:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

It's just that the 82 ASM language looks like it came first and the 83/+ was an "easier-to-understand" copy of it... but that just cuz I learned the 82 asm first. You'd think that if they're all z80, then the ASM wouldn't have all these wacky differences? They hardly look alike (except for the registers).

Reply to this comment    28 March 2003, 01:18 GMT

Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

ASM is great, but it's really frustrating. It takes a while to get the hang of it (despite what some arrogant people say). Do you mean z80? Yeah, for so few commands, it's pretty rough (for dumb people like me).

[I wasn't referring to anyone here specifically, so if you thought I was trying to insult you... I wasn't :)]

Reply to this comment    26 March 2003, 01:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
Chivo  Account Info

Yeah, ASM is really great. I got the hang of it in a very short time.</arrogant> Really, once you've used it for a few years, you can actually get the hang of high-level programming in Z80 assembly. Heck, even *I* can write cooperative multithreading routines and other stuff in Z80 ASM!

BTW, I actually like 68k asm more than I like Z80 asm, but since a GNU C compiler exists for the TI-89/92+, I use C instead (with a little assembly when I need it).

BTW2, I'm 19 (born in 1983), so I've had a few more years than most people here to learn ASM in high school and other places. I think what really helped me the most to learn better ASM skills is simply reading the output of a C compiler (such as Small-C) and rolling my own ASM programs using similar constructs and techniques. C helps a lot with program organization too.

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 19:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

That could be my problem. I started 82 z80 ASM when I was 12. That's why it came very slow. I'm almost 15 (few days) now, and I'm still slow :) So, basically, if anybody is having troubles with it... just stick with it, keep making programs (it really does help), and you'll get better than no_one in no_time :)

Reply to this comment    28 March 2003, 01:20 GMT

Re: When were you born?
Tadd Nuznov  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hooray for the 1984-ers! I'm 18 (19 in 2 months) and I started programming when I got my TI-83 in 8th grade (I guess I was 13 then). I don't really have many significantly large games though.. but I do have 80-something files on this site :) I'm working on a BIG project now, though..


Reply to this comment    25 March 2003, 03:49 GMT

Re: When were you born?
Doris Aponte  Account Info

yo nací en 1982, tengo 21 años.....mi primera calculadora me la robaron y ahota tengo una TI-89, estudio ingeniería civil y me gustaría aprender a programar la pronto......ojala alguien hablara español :-(

Reply to this comment    26 March 2003, 00:49 GMT

Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Je ne peux pas comprendre espagnol. Je peux parler anglais et un peu de français. J'ai ma classe troisieme en français, et vous pouvez voir que je ne peux pas parler très bien :) J'ai quatorze ans, mais je vais avoir quinze ans en avril.

Yep, 1988. ;-)

Reply to this comment    26 March 2003, 02:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
benryves  Account Info
(Web Page)

Mais oui! Encore quelqu'un qui peux parler le Francais! Je ne parle pas le Francais pas tres bien, mais je le comprende ce que vous avait dit...

Reply to this comment    26 March 2003, 09:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
Halfmoon Account Info
(Web Page)

Ummm....time for some Japanese...

sore wa nan desu ka. wakarimasen deshita. watashi wa hitotsu TI-83 Plus ga arimasu. ano...supeingo to furansugo o hanashimasen. demo, nihongo o tokidoki hanashimasu.

Reply to this comment    26 March 2003, 22:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
Umm... Yup Account Info
(Web Page)

Ich bin dreizehn Jahre alt.

Was that right??? I dunno...I took German for like 10 weeks last year...

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 21:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
Doris Aponte  Account Info

me gustaria aprender japones tambie

Reply to this comment    3 April 2003, 01:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ma français est horrible =) Personnes me trouvent être stupide (That was probably horribly incorrect)

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 01:46 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
benryves  Account Info
(Web Page)

>>Nobody finds me being stupid (?)
That's a good thing...

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 09:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

See? Horrible :)

I was attempting to say "People find me to be stupid", though it appears I had some of it right. If "nobody finds me being stupid" then I guess that IS a good thing :)

You know, my french is as bad as the "All your base are belong to us" Zero Wing people. INT(ABS(LOL)+1)!

Reply to this comment    28 March 2003, 01:23 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
Doris Aponte  Account Info

no entiendo frances pero me encantaría aprender, es un idioma tan interesante

Reply to this comment    3 April 2003, 01:44 GMT

Re: Re: When were you born?
JcN  Account Info

Aprendiendo a como programar es facil si tiene usted mucho tiempo. Que idioma le gustaria aprender?

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 03:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
benryves  Account Info
(Web Page)

Me llamo Benjamin
Tengo 17 anos...

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 09:24 GMT

Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
Chivo  Account Info

Hey, I can actually read that, even though my Spanish is a little rusty.

I think you wrote, "Learning to program is easy if you have a lot of time. What language do you want to learn?" Is that close?

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 19:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
Umm... Yup Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, but why was 'a' before cómo? Is it supposed to be there? lol I could actually figure out what it means and I'm in my first year of spanish...I must be special...

To keep this on topic, I'm 13...

Reply to this comment    27 March 2003, 21:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: When were you born?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hey, this is the language thread! If you're going to be on-topic, do it in a different language, like this:

J'ai quatorze ans. Je vais avoir quinze en vingt jours [how do you say 'day'? I guessed...]

Reply to this comment    28 March 2003, 01:25 GMT

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